Page 82 of The Demon's Spell
“Wow, this is amazing,” Onyx said as we led her inside. “I’d never guess this was here.”
Our friends were already there, gathered around the meeting table. Chatter died down when we entered the room. Talia and Grant were organizing crystals, while Miles helped Chloe make photocopies at the printer. Mandy had her nose buried in a book, and the cats were keeping themselves entertained with a ball of yarn. A box of cookies sat in the middle of the table, and everyone was nibbling on them.
“Onyx!” Grant cried, swallowing a mouthful of cookie. They were both Alchemists and must’ve had some classes together. “You’re joining The Coven’s Shield?”
Onyx smiled. “I am. What is it you guys do here?”
“Drugs, sex, and rock and roll,” Miles sang.
Chloe elbowed him in the side. “Don’t listen to him. He just finished a Silly Slushie from the Lounge.”
Miles snickered. “Someone has to keep the vibe lively.”
Chloe grabbed a stack of papers and straightened them out. “We’re making plans, learning magic, and building an arsenal to give us something to draw from during the Waning.”
Onyx reached for one of the crystals on the table and flipped it over in her hands. “That’s a really good idea. Too bad magical crystals are banned on campus.”
“That’s why it’s called a secret society, my dear.” Miles snickered.
“Anyone want a cookie?” Grant offered. “Talia and I made them.”
“Yes, please.” Miles came up behind Grant and grabbed one from the box.
“Good, because if I eat any more, I’m going to get diabetes,” Grant joked.
“Anyone else want one?” Miles asked with a full mouth. He picked up the box and held them out toward Talia and Chloe. “Murphy? Olson?”
Talia took one, but Chloe scrunched up her nose. “Ew, don’t call me that.”
“Why not?” Miles asked. “It’s your name.”
Chloe frowned. “Not for long. I’m changing it.”
“Really?” Miles looked interested and plopped down on an empty chair beside Grant. “What are you changing it to?”
“I’m not sure yet,” Chloe said. “I haven’t come up with anything that suits me.”
Miles shrugged. “Bryant’s a good last name.”
She frowned. “Chloe Bryant? No, thanks. I’m not using your last name.”
“What about something witchy and powerful?” I suggested. “Chloe… Bloodhex?”
Chloe laughed. “Yeah, that’ll scare my enemies.”
“Chloe Da Beast,” Onyx suggested with a laugh.
“That sounds like a rapper name,” Grant said. “She needs a villain name, like Chloe DeVil.”
“I’m not stealing puppies for coats!” Chloe protested. “I’ll figure something out. Just… call me Chloe for now, okay?”
Talia could see Chloe was getting uncomfortable, and she quickly changed the subject. “Speaking of new names, my brother is looking for a new band name. He keeps hounding me for suggestions. Any ideas?”
“What’s wrong with Wicked Warlocks?” Lucas asked. “I like that name.”
Talia frowned while she separated large crystals from small ones. “He can’t exactly use that name for a new band. The Wicked Warlocks broke up.”
“What’d Tyler do?” Grant asked, setting one of his crystals aside.