Page 26 of The Wildflower
Worse, I melted like butter in his hands. I’m so disappointed and disgusted in myself. He could be your brother. We make it to the car, and I climb into the passenger seat. Across the parking lot, I watch Drew amble down the sidewalk, hands in pockets, swaggering like the king of the campus.
I guess he is.
Sebastian rushes around the car and climbs into the driver’s side, and as we pull away, Drew holds his hand up and gives me a little wave. I jerk my gaze forward, hoping Sebastian didn't catch that, knowing damn well he did. He sees everything.
I sink into the leather seat and let my thoughts run rampant. Trapped between them, how will I survive? And what the hell do I do if what he says was true?
If we're related… What does that even mean?
I’ve had enough surprises, and part of me thinks it’s a game to him. The other part says I can't pretend I didn’t hear his father’s words.
Deep down, I know I need to discover the truth.
And every fiber of my soul hopes he’s wrong because otherwise… I can’t fathom what it might mean for me and the person I am.
Sometimes in life, you have to be the bigger person even when you don’t want to be. I’m learning that. Learning that sometimes it’s not always about what I want. It sucks, but when you care about someone else's well-being more than your own, that’s the result. Sure, I could’ve beaten the shit out of Sebastian for taking her away from me, but I didn’t.
I've caused her enough pain. Even if fighting with him would’ve made me feel better, I know it would’ve only ended up hurting her in some way.
I'm actively trying to avoid doing that, at least on the emotional side.
Since the first moment I laid eyes on Bel, she was meant to be mine. The light to my darkness, the perfect mixture of pain and beauty. She gets off on submitting to me and giving me complete control.
Nothing has changed between us, not in the physical sense. She still reacts to my touch as I suspected she would. A person can’t turn off their feelings that easily. Parts of her might hate me, but that sick, twisted piece inside her pretty little head craves me. It craves my darkness, my chaos, and mayhem.
A gust of cold wind blows, and I shiver. I'll have to start wearing my jacket soon and making sure my little wallflower remembers hers when she is lost in her books and notes. I turn toward the other side of campus and jog up the driveway to The Mill house. The cold bites into my fingers enough to spur me up the stairs and through the front door at almost a sprint. Not fast enough to miss the plastic cups and trash littering the yard. All I can do is shake my head.
We need to get the new assholes out here to clean. I can only imagine how terrible the inside looks. New inductee time always means more people in the house, more strangers, trash, and mess.
The old me wouldn’t have thought much of it, not when it meant more girls would be around to choke on my cock. Now, I want only one girl on her knees for me. And she won't even have a full conversation with me. I mean, it is what it is, but I won’t be able to use my dick to subdue her forever. At some point, we need to be adults and talk about this shit rationally.
Sauntering inside, I let the door slam behind me, rattling the antique picture frames on the wall. The sconces, or whatever the fuck they are, rattle too. Looking ahead, I scan the floor. Bodies litter the main room in various states of undress, and I'm thankful I already gave the housekeeper the week off. Business as usual during our induction week, I guess.
She'd be appalled, not that she hasn't seen all of us who live in the house in some state of undress over the past couple of years. Those moments would pale in comparison to this shit. She's learned to ignore a good amount of stuff, and we've learned to make sure she gets a bonus on her paycheck at least once a quarter.
I contemplate my next move, trying to decide whether to wake these bastards up and throw them out or… A loud crash and glass breaking echo down the stairs and into my ears.
Since Sebastian is with Maybel, it has to be Aries or Lee. My money is on Lee since he's always been the more dramatic of my friends outside of Sebastian. I thought that sounded a lot like a body hitting the floor.
Another crash has me on alert, and I’m jogging up the stairs before I think better of it. I’ve just reached the top of the stairs, turning to walk into Lee’s room, when a crystal glass hurtles into the wall opposite Lee's open door.
What the fuck?
"Hey!" I shout.
There's a pause, and Lee pokes his head out the door with a glare. "I wasn’t throwing that at you, just in your direction."
I glare at him now. "Wow, great apology. Perfect cadence."
He ducks back into his room, and I follow. "What the hell? Why are you destroying the antique crystal?"
Not that I give a shit about the antique part. I’m more concerned with the cleaning aspect. Without the housekeeper, one of us is going to have to clean that shit up. And it sure as shit won't be me.
Lee sighs, the sound long and loud as the air escapes his mouth. Patience isn’t really my strong suit, but I do my best to give him a moment as he clutches a half-empty bottle of bourbon to his bare chest. One look at him, and you can see he’s unhinged. His hair is messy, and there are heavy-looking bags under his eyes. He looks like he’s been through the wringer.