Page 10 of Exsanguination
In a move faster than a blink, my best friend lifts me up with her hands under my ass and presses me against the wall of my closet. She wastes no time with politeness and instead dives her tongue straight into my mouth. The connection—and likely the friction of her dress fabric against my clit—has me moaning deeply into her mouth. My hands explore the skin of her bare back and when she dips a finger into my pussy, I dig my nails into her flesh.
When she releases my mouth and snatches one of my nipples in her mouth, my thoughts slowly return to my brain. "Are you sure you don't have a cock?" Her fingers stop pumping in me and her mouth growls around my breast. Slowly she removes her digit and gently sets me back down.
"I knew it was far too good to be true. Still..." She brings her finger to her mouth and pops it in her mouth. Letting her eyes roll back in her head a little. "Why do you taste like a fucking gingerbread cookie?"
I laugh, but a passing idea pops into my head. "Why didn't we ever try anything when we were younger?"
Lexi finally stops fucking her mouth with her finger, and with all the seriousness in the world says, "Because you knew I would turn you into a lesbian."
Chuckling at her crazy antics, I run my eyes down her outfit again, and Lexi waggles her eyebrows in the most ridiculous way. This time, it's not heat in my gaze, but more observance. I wonder if I need to wear a dress.
Sighing, I turn back to my closet. "So, what the fuck am I going to wear?"
Lexi slaps my ass, making me yelp, and moves past me further into the closet. "Here, I know what you need to wear."
A couple of seconds deep diving into a ridiculous amount of fabric and an 'Aha!' declaration later, Lexi hands me an all-black three-piece outfit. It's simple, but the cuts are dramatic. The top is a combination of a long-sleeved, off-the-shoulder, black lace bit paired with a snug-fitting, black jacquard print corset that I know will boost my cleavage in the most perfect way possible. Then you add in the nearly hip-high slit in the floor-length velvet skirt and the whole look was drool-worthy.
I slipped on my strappy side cheeky panties for an added effect with the high slit and finished it off with the strappy heels Lexi nearly hits me in the face with. A quick snap of my fingers had my hair in the fancy looping braided updo I had been dying to try, and my makeup freshened—er—darkened. In a small act of defiance, I tapped my lips and added a deep black cherry lipstick.
"Oh, Mommy. Are you sure I can't convince you to just... let me strip all that off you? With my teeth preferably?"
Laughing at Lexi's futile attempt to get into my panties—uhh... again—I wrap my arm through hers and head to the front door.
If this outfit was getting Lexi all worked up, maybe I would get lucky tonight after all.
I had to admit, it was doing wonders for my confidence levels at the very least.
Watch out Victor Dorrance, I'm about to crash your birthday party in the sexiest way possible.
Strut to the Front Door
"I'm not going in there!"
"Ok, Ginger. But you are the one that is going to look like a creep standing out here alone all night." Lexi starts walking toward the door and I grab her arm, pulling her back.
"Wait, just... let me absorb this whole situation for a minute." I was so fucking confident. The whole way here my moves were nothing but swagger. Then we stepped in front of the swankiest mansion I have ever seen in my life and suddenly, I felt small. Small and poor and dirty. Fuck, I do not belong anywhere near this place. They make more in a day than I've had come through my bank account since the day I opened it, eight years ago.
"Ginger, it's just a house. Besides, you have been pining to go to one of these events for years. Don't tell me that now you have the chance and you are just going to hang out in the driveway." Lexi quirks an eyebrow and places a fist on her hip.
I know. I'm being a huge baby.
Lexi’s body language changes and she starts pulling me toward the house. “Yeah, maybe we should just go in.” Her voice is pitched low and I try looking around, but she jerks me forward.
“What’s going on?” Another yank on my arm has me stumbling into Lexi, but before I can open my mouth, her hand is covering it. “Shh… Don’t even turn around. This isn’t the place we want to draw anyone’s attention. It’s just Alexander. Maybe we will get lucky and he won’t—”
“Ginger? Ginger, I don’t want to spoil your night, but can we talk before you go inside?” Lexi groans, but I suddenly feel like a deer in headlights. I was one hundred percent ready to be done with him forever. Ready to crawl on top of some random dick and ride it into oblivion for the night without another minuscule thought of my cheating ex.
And like a fucking weed, he’s just going to be randomly popping up now. Maybe if I don’t turn around, if I don’t even make eye contact, he will just go away?
“Ginger, I know you don’t want to talk to me, and that’s fine.” Nope, I guess he is just going to talk to my back. Fine. However, he must take a step closer because Lexi growls for a moment. “Right, space. That’s fine. Just as long as you will hear me out.”
When neither Lexi nor I move, he must take that as a sign to keep going. I wish he would have taken it as a sign to fuck all the way off. Somewhere else.
“It was an arranged mating. June had no say in the situation either. The mating required our consummation and well... we didn’t really expect to get pregnant on the first try.” The more words he spews, the more my anger bubbles to the surface. He was forsaking his mate to kiss me, to cuddle with me, to put this pretense of a relationship up. For what? Certainly not for sex. He was getting that elsewhere. I must have tuned him out a little because his voice suddenly filters in through the buzzing in my ears. “But I cared about you, Ginger, and I couldn’t just walk away from you. From us. But then, I guess as the baby started to grow, so did my affection for June Bug. I was going to tell you this morning. Then she surprised me and had this whole day planned for us together and I just sort of... forgot.”
“You cared about me... but you forgot?” His silence stretches a moment and my calm frays.