Page 8 of Exsanguination
Dangling Meat
“Ilove you Ginger, but no.”
“Why the hell not?” I truly don’t understand why my question is so out of the realm of possibility here.
“I am not going to ask my PACK mates to strip down and helicopter their dongs so you can choose one to tackle for a ride.” Lexi’s face is deadly serious, but the vision that just flew into my mind at her description has giggles bubbling up. Then the giggles turn into full laughter as Lexi’s stern expression begins to crack. Soon, we are rolling around in the mossy ground in a fit of evil cackles that would make any proper crone witch proud.
Once we got back to the clearing, neither of us really knew what to do for the evening, so I shared my dick parade idea. Lexi, who is not one to enjoy a dick parade anyways, was clearly not on board with whoring out any of her pack. Which frankly is kind of rude, since she isn’t taking any of them for a ride anyway.
Once we get our laughter under control, we continue to lay there and stare at the sky, holding hands like we have since we were children. Taking comfort in the connection we share. We simply lay there as others move around the clearing. Most are coming in to join the carnival festivities. We continue watching as the stars begin to wake up, and the moon becomes more visible.
Just as I am beginning to question our plans for the rest of the evening, Lexi speaks up. “So, since we are ok now, and since you don’t have a dickbag to entertain you for the night, what if you came along with me.”
“Well, that depends. What are your plans for the night? I’m not going to run around naked in the woods for shifter tag. Not again. That did not go how I would have hoped.”
Lexi rolls onto her side, and then dramatically rolls her eyes. “I never said you had to be naked.”
“Right, but then everyone else got naked and I was confused and dickmatized by all the dangling meat.”
Lexi makes a gagging sound and I instantly snicker. “Please do not say ‘dangling meat’ ever again.”
“Why? Don’t you like dangling meat?”
“I will bite you.”
“Don’t threaten me with a good time.”
Yep. Wrong move Ginger.
Lexi pounces on top of me and pins me down by my shoulders. Her lips are quirked in a saucy smile and her legs are straddling me. Our position garners a lot of attention from the few paras passing by and they slow to watch the interaction.
Spurred on by my don’t give a fuck attitude, I decide to grab Lexi’s ass in both hands. She leans close to my face and for a moment I think she might actually kiss me. Her eyes are deadly serious.
“Don’t play games with me that you aren’t prepared to lose little witch.” My thoughts lodge in my throat, and before I can voice an apology, a very canine-like tongue pops out of Lexi’s mouth and licks up the entire left side of my cheek.
“Ahhhh! Lexi! Fucking eww!” She releases me as she falls to the side in a fit of laughter. It makes me smile, even as I use her shirt to wipe off my face.
I missed this. I missed her. She’s like the other half of me. The bit that makes me feel more grounded and less stabby. Sort of. Most of the time.
Standing up, I only manage to make it about halfway before Lexi swats my ass. Hard. The smack makes it clear I am wearing a thong and I blush when her mouth gaps open. She shuffles forward and tries to look under the skirt of my dress, making me laugh harder.
“Are you naked under there?!”
“No! Alexis, would you stop it?” Using her full name has her pulling back and crossing her arms over her chest. Her version of a pout.
“Fine. Maybe I won’t bring you along to the party tonight.”
“Party?” That has my ears perked up. “What party?”
“Well, you know that posh annual Hallow’s Eve party? I managed to score an invite. With a plus one.” Lexi waggles her eyebrows at me.
To my credit, I do refrain from begging.
“We have to go, Lexi!” Mostly.
I reach my hand down to help her stand. She quirks an eyebrow at my extended hand, but gives in after a second, letting me pull her up and into a hug. “I missed you,” I whisper in her ear. She responds by pushing me away and shoving a backpack into my hands, before tossing her shoes in.