Page 144 of Jordan
No, that’s not true. I’m not uncomfortable with the situation, I’m uncomfortable with myself being in this situation. Not because I hate it, but because it’s not traditional and that scares me.
When Rafael walks into the study, where Enzo and I are already waiting, I swear my heart leaps into my throat, and I can’t breathe.
Enzo puts his hand on my thigh, and it gives me a fraction of comfort but doesn’t relax me any.
Rafael sits down in the seat across from us.
“Thanks for coming,” Enzo says.
“Sounded important,” Rafael answers.
“It is,” Enzo adds.
“You’re canceling the contract altogether?” Rafael says flatly.
“No,” Enzo and I both say, though Enzo is a lot calmer than me.
“Oh…” Rafael chuckles, scratching the back of his neck. “I was sure that’s why you wanted me here.”
“It’s not,” Enzo assures him. “In fact, it’s the opposite.” He looks at me, and back at Rafael. “We’ve redone the contract, even though I still think we shouldn’t have one.”
“Nice try,” Rafael says as he takes the folder Enzo hands him.
Enzo and I spent the morning discussing a million scenarios regarding Rafael. We decided the best thing to do would be to go over the contract, fix it, offer it to him, but before he signs it, tell him what’s going on and give him the opportunity to change his mind if he wants to. We don’t want to tie him to this if he doesn’t want to be part of it. Even if it’s his, we want him to know he doesn’t have to stay, and we won’t hold it against him. Doing this with Enzo has given me the most relief I’ve felt in a long time, but having to tell Rafael he may be a father is more nerve-wracking than I thought it would be.
“I tabbed the areas with adjustments,” Enzo says.
Rafael smirks. “Of course you did.”
It’s quiet while he goes through everything, looking over the spots that were altered.
Basically, the only thing that’s different is I’m now included in everything. Enzo and I agreed we’d put in there that we could be alone with Rafael. We made the verbal agreement we wouldn’t act on it until the other was comfortable. Both of us are okay without outlining specifics in the contract.
“Everything looks good to me,” Rafael says, looking between Enzo and me. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
Enzo nods. “We’ve taken plenty of time to talk about it.”
“All right. Do you have a pen?”
“Before you sign it, there’s something we need to talk about first,” Enzo adds carefully.
“Okay…” Rafael says, closing the folder and placing it on his lap. He walked in here tense, a little empty. When he realized we weren’t cutting him off, that instantly changed. He was his usual cheery self, but now? He’s right back where he started.
“There’s been an oversight,” Enzo begins, leaning slightly forward and resting his elbows on his knees. He looks exceptionally sexy today in a white button up and dark grey slacks.
“An oversight?” Rafael questions. “In the contract?”
“Not exactly. It’s entirely my fault as I hadn’t considered this being a factor, but, well, it’s here now and we will deal with it.”
“Deal with what, exactly?” Rafael clasps his hands together, his green gaze darting from me to Enzo and back again. I wish I had more confidence to speak. This is partially my fault. I should have said something. I knew the whole time, but I wasn’t thinking clearly. I was too caught up, and that’s not fair. But that’s exactly why we’re offering him an out.
Enzo waits a beat before continuing. “No matter what you choose to do, we will respect your decision. I understand if this isn’t what you want. In fact, I know it isn’t, but what’s done is done.”
“You’re freaking me out, Vincenzo. What is going on?” Rafael demands.
“I’m pregnant,” I blurt out.
Yes, good job, Jordan. When you finally decide to speak, that’s what you say?