Page 14 of The Night Rising
“Nice to meet you,” she said.
“You too.”
“Mila, why don’t we do a quick tour of the main building before we start the training?” Thea suggested.
“Of course,” Mila said. “Please, follow me.”
We all followed Mila inside the academy. My mouth hung open the entire tour as we walked through the majestic foyer, wide hallways, fancy offices and meetings room, and a large media room with over two hundred theater-like chairs. As we walked, Mila explained that this building had actually been a semi-destroyed mansion they had found. They bought it, fixed it, and built around it. On the other side of the courtyard, construction was ongoing, though classes had officially started in January this year, seven months ago. Right now, the first thirty-two witches attending the academy were on summer break and back with their covens.
We exited through a large side door into a neatly manicured garden with white, pink, and red roses, and continued down a narrow stone path until we found another large, stone building.
“This is our special training facility,” Mila said as she opened one panel of the double doors.
We walked in and stopped shy of the entrance. I frowned, taking in the place. The entire building was one gigantic room with high ceilings and no windows. An unfinished white circle was painted around the entire room.
“I thought you said this is special,” I said.
Thea nodded. “It’s special because in here, no magic can hurt us.” She opened her arms wide. “The walls, floors, and ceiling are enchanted so even if you burst into fire and lose control, you won’t exploded beyond this building. It’ll even counteract your magic, and smother it if needed.”
My brows lifted. “That’s great. But what about you? You’ll be in here with me.”
“There are two safety mechanisms in this room.” Elisa pointed to the thick, white line on the floor near us. I followed it with my eyes. It was a giant witch’s circle that went around the perimeter; however, it wasn’t closed. “We can quickly close the circle and contain whatever is inside.”
“Or …” Almae walked farther into the room, pointing to a thick line on the floor in one of the corners. There were several of those spread throughout the room. “We can raise these walls. They have the same spell as the rest of the building. Technically, if we hide behind them, we’ll be protected.”
“Technically?” I didn’t like the sound of that.
“We've tested it with our powers, but we haven’t had anyone truly losing control of their magic in here yet,” she explained.
I gulped. So I would be the first. Hopefully, it wouldn’t happen. Hopefully, this training would be a breeze. Hopefully, I would master it in one day and be able to join the army against Paimon.
I rolled my shoulders. “All right. When do we start?”
“Right now.” Thea stepped into the white circle. “Come.”
She halted in the center of the room. I walked to her and stopped in front of her. The others remained outside the circle.
“What do you want me to do?”
“Let’s start with your darkfire,” Thea said. “Show me.”
I spread my feet apart and focused. My darkfire was entwined with the dragon’s magic now. It was hard distinguishing the two. I raised a hand and a ball of darkfire the size of an apple floated above my palm. I played with it, like I had done with Ivy. It became fluid and changed shapes: a dart, a ring, a cone, a whirlwind, and back to a ball with flickering flames.
“Good.” Thea took four steps back. She stopped right behind one of marks on the floor, where she could raise a solid wall. “Now do the same with the dragon’s magic.”
I waved my hand and the darkfire disappeared. I inhaled deeply and looked within myself. Supposedly, dragon’s magic was a kind of fire while it was still inside the dragon. But once it was taken, it became dark magic, much like darkfire. Inside of me, it felt like a river of fire, but when manifested, it looked like white flames.
I inhaled, feeling the fire moving through my veins. Now that it had been a few hours since I had taken the elixir, I could feel it stronger, deeper, and growing unstable.
This time, though, I knew what to do, what to expect. I had just learned how to control my darkfire. This wouldn’t be different, would it?
The magic flowed to my fingertips and a flicker of flames surged above my open palm. I focused, called it again, and this time the flame held. It was the size of a closed fist, and the flames licked up to my head.
Feeling bold, I juggled the white flame from hand to hand a few times. Then I held it between my two open palms and made it bigger than my head. The heat brushed against my skin, but in a good way. The dragon’s magic was such a part of me now, the heat didn’t bother me.
I dropped my hands and let the fire go. “What now? Should I do it again?”
“Now, try one magic in each hand,” Thea said.