Page 28 of The Night Rising
The next time, it was a little bit easier than the last time, and the dragon’s magic was half the size of the darkfire.
The third time, it was easier, and the dragon’s magic was three-fourths the size of the darkfire.
It was on the eighth time that the dragon’s magic answered almost as fast as the darkfire and it matched the darkfire’s size and shape.
By then, I was drenched in sweat, my arms shook with the effort, and a headache had started deep in my temples.
Thea nodded at me, a small smile on her lips. “I know it looks like you’re not progressing fast enough, but believe me when I say this, you are. I haven’t seen anyone, not even my witches, dominate two warring magics so fast.”
I frowned. “Do they have two different magics?”
“Some are half-witches, half … something else. Warlocks, different kinds of witches, fae …” She shrugged. “But sometimes, for training purposes, we create the illusion that they have two different powers inside them.”
“That’s cruelty.” I was only half joking.
“That’s a strong word, but you know by now that our enemies are not kind or considerate. We need to be ready.”
I nodded. Yes, I knew that.
She whisked a bottle of water out of nowhere and offered it to me. “Here. Let’s have a five-minute break.”
Like a lost soul in the desert, I yanked the bottle from her and drank half of it in one go. Tired to my bones, and hot in this warm sun, I sat on the ground, not caring if the grass blades prickled my bare legs.
Thea moved her hands and a cold, gentle breeze blew past me. I inhaled deeply, savoring the moment.
“Thank you.”
She sat down in front of me, much more ladylike, with her legs carefully folded under her and hidden by her gown, while I was plopped on the ground, my spine bent, and completely wasted.
“You’re doing great.”
“Thanks,” I said again. I drank the rest of water and wished I had another bottle so I could dump it over my head. Thea worked her magic again and the breeze came back. I could get used to this. “Thank you … for training me.”
Thea shook her head. “You don’t need to thank me for that. I like teaching and training, which is one of the reasons I’ve opened the academy, but you know there’s more to this.”
“I know. If Paimon wins, then the underworld will go back to the bad side, and who knows what he will do.”
“For one, I believe he would call all the demons back to the underworld, which at first would be a good thing. They might stop frightening humans and giving us more work. But I think he wouldn’t stop there. Paimon has grown greedy and powerful in the last couple of years. He would gather all demons to attack. He would come for all of us, eventually.”
That was certainly not good, and if I could stop it from getting that far, I was all for it.
I pushed to my feet. “Let’s continue.”
Thea and I trained for another two hours straight. Despite my exhaustion, I progressed quickly. I was able to conjure both magics instantly, shape them how I wanted, and throw them at the magical targets Thea had spelled.
By now, the elixir was losing its effect, but that was a good thing. As it awoke, the dragon’s magic rebelled a little, but because I had trained so much, it was easier to wrangle it into submission.
As the time passed, I grew anxious, though. The longer I stayed without the elixir, the bigger the chance of me blowing up and hurting Thea.
I was about to suggest we stopped for the day when Thea’s phone rang. She fished it from a hidden pocket in her gown and smiled at the screen. It could only be Drake.
“Hi,” she answered. Her smile faltered and a frown marred her forehead. “All right. We’ll be right there.” She lowered the phone and said, “We need to go.”
I stiffened. “What happened?”