Page 30 of The Night Rising
I frowned. What? What were they talking about?
“Do you know what realm it is?” Thea asked.
Rey, Erin, and Hadrian shook their heads. “No, we don’t,” Rey said. “But we think we’re running out of time.”
“We’ve increased security at each underworld gate,” Erin said. “But if he uses the key and places a portal right in front of a gate, there isn’t much we can do.”
“So we need to strike him before he uses it,” Drake said.
Rey nodded. “The problem now is how to get to him.”
Erin rapped her nails on the table. “Right. The problem we’re encountering right now is that if Paimon is using this other realm and its portal to move around, then we won’t be able to find him. How can we attack a moving target?”
“We’ve talked about using fae glamour on someone else,” Farrah said. She was ridiculously pretty with silver-blond hair and blue eyes. Her pointed ears peeked from underneath her hair, and she looked more like an angel than Ariella did. “One of us pretend to be Tanner and be out in the open, but most of us believe Paimon won’t fall for that.”
“He’s smart,” Rey said, and from his tone, it was clear he knew Paimon personally.
Voices rose as the people discussed ideas at the same time. I felt overwhelmed with the amount of powerful supernaturals gathered in one place, and with the amount of information passed around.
“All right, all right,” Hadrian called out. In seconds, the tent went quiet. “Here’s the one idea I’m hearing the most: leave one gate unguarded. Paimon will know this is a trap, but it’ll also be his only chance to get in. He will come. When he does, we strike with all we have.”
One third of the supernaturals shook their heads, while the rest nodded.
“Didn’t we just say Paimon is smart?” Luana, the Starlight alpha, asked. “He won’t fall for it.”
“He will because he won’t have another chance,” a demon hunter said.
“He has the dragon magic now; he doesn’t need to wait to come,” Ariella said.
“Then what is he waiting for?” another demon hunter asked. “Why hasn’t he come yet?”
“Because he only has half of the dragon magic,” I said. “He’s strong, a lot stronger than before, but he might not be strong enough to take on a full army by himself.”
Hadrian nodded. “That’s why, if we create an opening, he’ll come.”
Again, there were nods and grunts all around the tent.
Rey looked around. “Are there any other viable options?”
No one said a thing.
“Then we do this,” Hadrian said. “We need time to prepare, so in two days, we’ll retreat from the Florida gate, and hide beyond it. When Paimon shows up, we attack.”
“What if he sends his army first?” a warlock asked. I had already forgotten his name.
“We attack,” Hadrian said. “We hold the fort and kill as many of them as we can until their spineless leader shows up.”
I frowned. Ivy would be with Paimon. He would send her in first. I had to make sure I got to her before the others did.
All eyes fell on me and I went still.
“Raika, will you be ready to take him down?” Rey asked.
My eyes widened. I stared at Thea. She offered me a slight nod.
“Y-yes,” I said, aware that I sounded unsure. Beside me, I could swear I heard a faint, short growl.
“We’ll keep training nonstop,” Thea said, her voice clear, strong.