Page 46 of The Night Rising
It dawned on me. “You used her to make him call me here.”
“Bingo.” Serge clapped his hands three times. “I can’t take all the credit, though.”
“What do you mean?”
“It was my idea,” a new voice came from our left. I looked at the man and instantly remembered him.
“Rotgar.” He was Paimon’s demon, his right hand.
Wearing a suit, the demon walked closer as if he didn’t have a care in the entire world. “Precisely.”
A little confusion mixed with my rage. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Rotgar looked at his manicured nails. “Do you think Serge is smart or strong enough to take over the Whitecrest pack?”
“Hey!” Serge snapped.
Rotgar didn’t even look his way. He kept his impassive dark eyes on me.
“You helped him,” I said. The demon nodded. “Why?”
“Ah, it isn’t fun when it’s this easy. Try to guess.”
I frowned. This piece of shit wanted to play games with me? I was already tired of this. “Just get it over with,” I snarled.
“I helped Serge, because we knew you would feel obligated and come running to fix this mess.” We. My face fell. It couldn’t be … “Right, I see it in your eyes.” He snapped his fingers. “You know why we wanted you here.”
Fur rolled down my arms, and my hands shifted into claws. “What did you do?”
Rotgar shrugged. “I didn’t do anything. Paimon, on the other hand, by now, has Raika within his clutches, and if he hasn’t taken her magic yet, he’s about to.”
It couldn’t be.
“Shane, he’s goading you,” Killian whispered.
“Right, don’t fall for it,” Dom said, equally low. “Raika is at the castle.”
Was she? My fingers itched to get my phone and call her, but I couldn’t lose focus of the people around me right now. If I got distracted, it would be the end of us.
That was exactly what he was trying to do, right? He was making me upset, spewing ridiculous lies so I would fall prey to my rage.
No, I was better than this.
“Say whatever you want, I’m not falling for that,” I told him.
Rotgar shrugged. “Whatever you want. It’s not like you can do anything from here, right?” A growl started in my chest. “Oh, wait, I almost forgot. I’ve invited another guest to this party.”
Footsteps sounded behind us.
I turned and inhaled sharply. Delco and a dozen of Ironfang wolves walked toward us. By the moon, this had to get better and better, didn’t it?
Our group retreated, opening up the circle—hell if I would be stuck between Serge and Delco. This way, I had one on my right, and one on my left.
Delco halted a good ways from us. “Hello, Shane.”
I snarled. “What are you doing here?”
He stared at me. “You didn’t honor my request.”