Page 87 of The Night Rising
“What a turn of events,” Shane mused. He looked up at Minsi and Tyren. “Why don’t you two go take a look at the eggs? That will probably be a once-in-a-lifetime experience.”
Minsi pouted. “I want to stay with Raika.”
My jaw fell open and Shane froze.
That was the most she had spoken in over a year! A laugh bubbled from my chest, but I kept it down. I didn’t want to scare her. “I know, pretty girl, but you can just go, take a peek, and come back. I promise I’ll still be here when you come back.”
She looked unsure, but Tyren coaxed her, and she finally moved. Rue went out with them.
I sighed in relief and nestled in the pillows again, ready for a nap. I was tired of talking. Damn, I was tired of breathing.
Though, I had to admit, seeing dragon eggs would be awesome, but right now I didn’t have any energy left.
Shane sat down with me and like we had done before, I snuggled against him as my breathing slowed and I welcomed sleep. However, before I could really sleep, the door burst open again and wind blew over us.
“Kaz is asking for Raika,” Killian said, materializing beside us.
“What? Why?” Shane asked.
“He didn’t explain, but he said it was urgent.”
I groaned. “Can’t he come here?”
“He’s in one of the courtyards and he seems to be preparing something,” Killian said. “With the eggs.”
That got my attention—the little I still had.
“I can carry you,” Shane said, his tone soft, caring.
I didn’t want that. I wanted to tell him I could walk, but I could barely move my arms. I didn’t even know how I was still conscious with so much exhaustion falling over me.
I nodded.
Shane picked me up, and alongside Killian, carried me to the courtyard. There was a small crowd here—Minsi, Tyren, Rue, Drake, Thea, Almae, Lavinia, Elisa, Zadkiel, Lyra, Etyx, and in the center, Kaz with the eggs.
Shane set me down in front of them, still holding my arms to keep me steady, and I would have squealed in delight if I could have. The eggs—eight of them—were the size of volleyballs, but an oval shape, and in the most beautiful colors I had ever seen: swirls of teal, purple, pink, dark blue, and orange. The membrane was thin enough that we could see the shape of the tiny dragons inside.
Kaz stared at me. “Dragon eggs need their mother’s power to survive.”
“The mother passes on her power to the eggs so the dragons inside grown to the size of a big watermelon and develop the way they should—and with magic.”
“So … without their mother, they will what? Die?”
Kaz nodded. “The eggs will stop growing and the dragons inside will wilt away, and they won’t hatch.”
“Wait. What happens when a mother dragon dies before the eggs can hatch?”
“It’s rare for that to happen now,” he said with a frown. “It’s rare to have eggs at all, but when that happens, another female dragon can pass some of her power to the eggs. It’s never the same, but at least they will grow, hatch, and the dragons will be born healthy.”
Shane grunted. “What are you saying?”
“I’m saying that maybe, just maybe, you can pass your dragon magic to them.”
I gasped. “All of it?”
Kaz frowned. “Usually, a mother dragon passes her powers, bit by bit, as the dragons grow. Think of it like donating blood. You produce more and after a while, you’re ready to do it again. But in this case, better than not having any power at all, maybe they can take it all from you in one go.”