Page 9 of The Night Rising
I slowed down, trying to quell the war raging in my thoughts and with my emotions. I wanted to be a supportive partner, but how did I keep Raika safe? I couldn’t control her—I would never do that—but sitting back and watching her fight, knowing this next one would be to the death...
If she didn’t kill Paimon, he would kill her. And this time, it wouldn’t be a trick. It would be real.
I couldn’t go through that again.
I made my way back to the castle.
Lord Drake was waiting for me outside the tree line, with a pair of jeans and shirt folded in his arms.
I stopped in front of him and shifted back. Without a word, he handed me the clothes, and I dressed.
It wasn’t normal for him to show up like this. “What happened?”
“Shane, I value all you’ve done for my coven. I trust you and I admired you, and for those reasons, I’ll get directly to the point: Raika might be the only one who can stop Paimon.”
I cursed under my breath. So he had figured that out too? “I know,” I gritted out.
Drake nodded. “I thought you would.”
Raika realized it first and that had been such a shock, it had sent me spiraling. I wasn’t stupid. I think I had always known what it would come down to the moment the dragon's damn power split and half of it went into Raika.
“All I want is to keep my family safe.”
“I know,” Drake said. “I understand your feelings.”
“If that means staying back, then that's what I want,” I went on. “However, I know it is not that simple.”
“Shane, if Raika doesn’t help, we’ll certainly lose, and countless more lives will be claimed until we find a way of killing him. With Raika’s help, we could end this—now.”
“Are you one hundred percent sure Raika is the only one who can kill him?”
“I met with Hadrian, Erin, Rey, and a few others. Everyone thinks that with the dragon magic, Raika and Paimon are each other’s only match.” He clasped my shoulder. “I know what we are asking of you and Raika is a lot, but be assured, we’ll be there every step of the way. We won’t let anything happen to her.”
I knew they would do their best, but even I had failed to protect her before. I didn’t want to risk a third time.
I let out a long breath, my muscles tense. “I want to tell you all to fuck off … with all due respect.” Drake’s lips twitched up. “But I think this is something Raika has to decide for herself.” As much as it pained me to admit that.
Drake dropped his arm. “Wise words.”
“I’ll talk to her.” It was high time I went back to her so we could finish our conversation. “I’ll let you know what she says.”
“Thank you.”
“Don’t thank me yet.” I hoped Raika would say no, but I already knew her answer. She had made it clear earlier.
We both walked back to the castle. Drake headed to his office—the vampire lord never stopped—and I turned into the infirmary.
I paused at the door, took a long breath, and pushed it open.
Raika was still in bed, the blanket over her legs, and her eyes on me.
“Shane,” she whispered.
A tug came from my chest, so hard, so deep, I almost bent over. Slowly, I entered the room, closed the door behind me, and approached her bed with my tail between my legs. I was still seething on the inside, but for her, I would try to keep my anger in check.
Raika crossed her arms and a knot formed between her brows. She had every right to be mad at me.
“I’m sorry I walked out on you.” I halted at the bed’s footboard. “I just … I was losing it and I needed to take my sorry ass for a run.”