Page 38 of Dark Wings
Movement to my right caught my attention and I looked. I did a double take and came to a full stop.
“Levi,” I said in a deep voice.
“What, sweetheart?” He continued walking for a few seconds, but when I didn’t answer, he turned and followed my line of sight.
At the edge of the tree patch in the corner of the park, under the shadows cast by the trees, were two males in black hoodies.
“Demons,” I said.
Levi nodded. “I can sense them.”
I had lost most of that ability with my magic, but after so many years, I could tell. Besides, some of them didn’t hide it.
Behind the duo, I could see more bobbing heads. It was a large group, and they were watching the families waiting for the movie.
“They will attack once its dark.”
“It looks like it.”
I looked at Levi, feeling a sense of urgency. “We have to stop them.”
“What? We don’t have to do anything.”
“Levi, I can’t just walk away from this.”
“If we weren’t here, if we hadn’t come to meet Heidi, you wouldn’t even know about this.” Again, he approached me, towering over me. Was he trying to intimidate me with his impressive height? “Hell, with the demons banished from the underworld, there are thousands, tens of thousands of attacks like that happening right now all around the world. What are you going to do, sweetheart? Save them all?”
“I know I can’t save them all, but I have to save the ones I can.” I whirled on my heels, intent on rushing into the demons and fighting them in the trees.
How would I, a powerless creature, fight a handful of demons. But my principles wouldn't let me walk away from this.
A hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me back. Levi glared at me. “What the hell? Are you trying to get yourself killed?”
“Let me go.” I jerked my arm hard, trying to get free, but his grip only intensified.
“I’m bound to you, sweetheart. If you go in there and die, because honestly, that’s what will happen, and then what? I die too? Or the pain will be too much and it’ll drive me crazy? I, for one, don’t want to find out.” He started walking away, holding tight to me, forcing me to come with him.
“Let me go, or I’ll scream!”
He scoffed. “Do you think I care what the humans think, what they will do?”
I didn’t. He could probably overpower a hundred humans, even armed ones, without breaking a sweat.
We exited the park the same way we came in. A few steps into the narrow road beside the shopping center, I jerked my arm again, trying to get free once more, and put all my weight behind it.
I stumbled back and Levi stopped, but his grip tightened.
“I’ll scream!” I warned.
He leaned in. “Try it, sweetheart.”
Shadows surged from the sides, and suddenly, we were surrounded.
My stomach dropped.
Shit, the demons had decided to come after us.
But when I looked around, I saw they were no demons.