Page 53 of Dark Wings
Levi disoriented the two bouncers standing by the double doors, pushed them down the stairs, and locked the doors. “It won’t hold for long.”
We kept on running, but slowed down once we reached the top of the club. It was more crowded now than when we first arrived.
As we walked by the booths, Levi swiped a leather jacket with a hood and handed it to me. I put it on and pulled the hood over my head to hide my hair. I knew half of the supernaturals here could sense me, but my hair was advertisement enough.
We were halfway to the door when the music stopped. A voice rang out through the speakers. “There’s an angel in our midst. Find her!”
Instantly, a dozen supernaturals turned around us.
“Fuck.” Levi repeated the same magic from before, but a little stronger, taking people down in a fifteen yard radius. That rippled like dominoes, and more people went down.
Levi and I rushed to the entrance while we were attacked left and right. A tiger shifter lunged at me, its claws poised to swipe at me, but Levi sent a bolt of darkfire to his chest. The shifter landed on a group of witches, who were preparing to hit us.
Then a vampire zoomed into me, holding my shoulder and pulling me back. I elbowed him hard in the chest, but that only made him laugh. Levi threw a bolt of darkfire toward him, making him stagger back a few steps.
Next, a trio of bear shifters stood by the doors.
I prepared to fight them, raising my fists, but Levi was faster. He produced stakes made of darkfire and threw them at their chests, piercing their hearts.
More supernaturals made their way to us, but Levi was able to thwart them with his magic. By the time we burst through the door to the outside, Levi and I were panting. Shouts let us know it wasn’t the end yet. Hand in hand, we ran to the opposite side from the hotel, lest we guided them right to where we were hiding.
Thankfully, at this time of the night, Las Vegas’s streets were full of tourists and we weaved easily through them. Levi pushed me inside a casino, where he ditched his suit jacket and found me a beige jacket from a chair and a forgotten black baseball hat on a slot machine. I twisted my hair into a bun and hid it under the hat.
When someone opened an “employees only” labeled door, Levi pushed through. “Hey!” the person yelled. “You can’t—” Levi zapped his darkfire at the guy and he went down, unconscious.
We ran down the hallway, dodging other employees who shouted we shouldn’t be there, until we found an exit door and ran into a back alley. We reached the street and stole a Mercedes from a valet. The guy shouted at us and was definitely calling the police.
“It’s fine,” Levi told me from behind the wheel. “We’ll ditch it in a few blocks.”
And we did. We parked the car in an underground garage. After I ditched the beige jacket for a jeans one, and put a black scarf over my hair, Levi and I took the tram the opposite way, toward our hotel.
Carefully, we spied around every corner of the street until we made it to our hotel room.
The moment Levi closed the door, I let out a huge sigh of relief.
We had made it. We were safe, back in the hotel room.
But then my adrenaline hit one last high note as a barrage of other feelings filled me. We hadn’t made it.
Everything had gone wrong.
I wasn’t one step closer to my wings.
I turned to Levi. “That went well!” I paced in front of him as if the floor was on fire. “The entire place was out to get me the moment we stepped in there. Lars didn’t seem interested from the beginning. We didn’t secure a meeting with Duncan, the supernaturals in there recognized me, they attacked us, and we had to fight our way out.” I halted in front of him. “Oh, wait, you had to fight while I acted like a damsel in distress because I don’t have my magic! And it seems I won’t have my wings anytime soon either!”
“Listen, sweetheart?—”
“You listen!” I jabbed my finger at him. “Why the hell did you quit the negotiations so soon? You could have swayed the man. With your charms and powers, I know you could. And then?—”
He loomed over me, almost an entire head taller and as wide as a boulder. “He wanted to buy you.”
I let out a hollow chuckle. “That was a lie, a tease.”
“It wasn’t.”
“I know he deals in supernatural trafficking, and he’s fond of angels.”