Page 59 of Dark Wings
I wanted to believe him, but after what happened in the nightclub last night, I had my doubts about if we would be invited to Duncan’s because of a wand. He sounded like he was picky about the items he collected.
We ate the rest of our sandwiches in an awkward silence, which obviously made me overanalyze everything.
Including admiring how sturdy this table was.
“You said something last night,” Levi started, his voice atypically serious. “That angels couldn’t get pregnant, but you didn’t elaborate on that.”
I drank the last sip of my coffee, then stared at him. “It’s not all female angels. Only the ones who graduate from Guardian Academy and follow the ranks.”
“So, the females can focus solely on their missions and the safety of all angels and humans, not just their kids.”
Levi’s brows curled down. “You graduate and your gift is to have your body mutilated?”
“It isn’t as barbaric as that. It’s done with magic, but hm, yeah, our ovaries are blocked and we can’t get pregnant. It’s for the best,” I repeated the words I had heard throughout my life.
Any female accepted into the academy knew that once they went down that path, if they graduated and wanted to become a guardian, then they had to go through the procedure before joining the Cherubin.
“How about exceptions?” Levi asked. “There are always exceptions.”
I shook my head. “No exception.” In the centuries this procedure was performed, I hadn’t heard or read of any exceptions.
“That sounds barbaric. And I thought angels were righteous and good.”
“We are,” I almost shouted. Then I cleared my throat and tried again. “We are. It’s a hard choice we have to make, a selfless one. We choose the safety and well-being of others above our own interests.”
“You’re okay with never being a mother?”
I shifted on my chair. Honestly, I avoided thinking about the topic, since I knew it wasn’t on the table for me. “Yes.”
“You’re not a good liar, sweetheart.”
“Neither are you,” I retorted, getting worked up. “You pretend to be this big, bad demon, but you are kind and caring when it comes to your sister and Heidi. What is it? Which one is the real you?”
His jaw ticked and I knew I had hit a nerve. “Both, sweetheart. I can care for my sister and Heidi, who was like a mother to us, and still be the biggest evil you’ve ever met.”
I almost laughed in his face. I had helped my friends defeat the Shadow Fae King from the fae realm, warlocks and vampires who were intent on taking other supernaturals’ powers to create a super weapon, and a prince of the underworld … who had taken my magic in the process. But he was now dead.
While I had become practically a human.
I had met real evil.
Levi wasn’t good by any means, but he was far from the biggest evil out there.
“If you say so,” I mumbled.
“What was that, sweetheart?”
With a groan, I stood. “All right. You got the wand and will try to set up a meeting with Duncan. So, you’re going to call him?”
He stared at me for a minute, his tension still visible in his expression. He exhaled through his nose and his face relaxed. He leaned back in his chair, all charm again. “I won’t call him, sweetheart. I’ll have my demons call his demons. Meanwhile, we’ll be going to San Francisco.”
“When are we leaving?”
He pushed to his feet. “Now.”