Page 75 of Dark Wings
He didn’t care about me or my wings or my magic. He only cared about himself. About getting the wings back so he could go back to his life.
“Right. I forgot you get hurt when I do.”
“What?” His eyes rounded. “You think I’m worried about me?”
“Aren’t you?”
He opened his mouth, but his gaze shifted to the archway.
A man with short blond hair and an impeccable indigo suit walked into the room. He looked at Levi for a few seconds, then turned his hazel eyes to me.
“Mr. Kensington, I’m Ariella. Nice to me?—”
He raised his hand. “I know who you are and I don’t believe we talked about you bringing a guest.”
Rigid, Levi stepped closer to me, his hand on my back. “I couldn’t let my girl walk into a stranger's house by herself.”
His girl? Was he serious?
Duncan slipped his hands into the pockets of his pants. “Drop the act, Leviathan. I’ve heard about you and your reputation, and I know Ariella is not your girl. Though, I must say, I don’t know why a higher demon is accompanying a fallen angel to my house.”
“I asked him to come with me,” I said, before Levi spewed out more nonsense. “We have business between us, and I was nervous about coming alone.”
He narrowed his eyes at me. “I see. Well, should we find your wings?”
“I would love to,” I said.
“Follow me, please.” Duncan turned on his heels and moved into the foyer.
Levi glanced at me, as if I could read whatever he was trying to tell me. I shook my head and followed Duncan. He was on the first step of the wide stone stairs. Halfway to the tall ceiling, the stairs opened to a ledge and became two—one going to the right, the other going to left.
Duncan took the stairs to the left; Levi and I followed him. The stairs led to a hallway that was as wide as my entire apartment back in Crosby. We walked by many archways to big art collection rooms and some closed doors.
With each step, my stomach turned and my chest tightened increasingly. I was within range of my wings, my precious wings that I had missed so damn much. I had to fight not to sprint past Duncan and find them myself.
A hand slipped into mine and gave it a little squeeze.
I glanced at Levi, but he was looking ahead, his attention on our host and his guards, who were certainly just around the corner. He had probably sensed my nervousness, my excitement, and he had held my hand.
I frowned. Damn, he was one confusing demon.
At the end of the hallway was the tallest, most ornate archway of all, but we couldn’t see anything beyond it, just darkness.
Duncan paused a couple of steps from the archway. “Ready?”
“Yes,” I said, my voice slightly trembling.
The lights came on, revealing a room with a large glass case right in the center, like an armoire.
Inside it were my wings.
And they were black.
I almost laughed in Duncan’s face. “You’re joking, right? These can’t be mine. They are black!”
“Sure they are.” Duncan walked into the room and stood beside the display. It was easily twice his size. “Once the wings are ripped, they turn black.” A proud smile adorned his lips. “Do you know how rare it is to see black wings?”