Page 82 of Dark Wings
I gasped in shock.
Levi stepped back, the bleeding heart in his hands, and watched as Molraz’s body slid to the floor.
Slowly, he transformed back into his human form, his clothes gone, except for his ripped pants. He shook his hand, as if now aware of what he was holding and let the heart fall to the floor.
He stared at his father for one more second, then spun to me.
I didn’t know what came over me. Bleeding, hurt, dazed, I jumped to my feet and ran. But before I could make it to the door, a dozen demons spilled into the foyer, all fighting each other. I dodged a pair, was almost hit by another, but finally made it out.
A handful of other demons fought, but now I had more room to run. Finally, the gates came into view and there wasn’t a demon in sight.
“Ariella, wait.” His voice was soft, almost pleading, so unlike him, that it took me by surprise. I halted but didn’t turn to him. I heard his footsteps as he approached me. “About what happened?—”
I spun so fast, I almost tripped on my feet. “Don’t,” I snarled. “Don’t say anything. Don’t try to explain it. I don’t want to hear it. If it weren’t for the bond, I would tell you to let me go.”
His eyes locked on mine, the agony in them visible. Or was that another one of his tricks? He was still playing me. “If you’re mad at me, then go. The pain will be punishment enough.”
I could do that. It would feel like sweet revenge. But I was a freaking angel, and I should do better. “I can break it.”
“The bond?”
I nodded. “Yes. I know how to undo it. But I’ll need your sister.”
* * *
Levi told me to go to the car while he helped his demons fight the mansion’s guards. He explained he wanted to make sure they were all out of there before Rhodes and the other angels arrived.
Honestly, I thought about getting into the car and driving back to the townhouse. He could run back, for all I cared. But then I would get to the house and have to wait for him there.
I sank into the passenger seat, the adrenaline of the night wearing off, and the pain changing from a faint throbbing to a full burn. The pain was nothing, though, compared to the one good thing out of all of this: I had my wings back! I felt an urge to get out of the car and let them out again, so I could touch them, see them, feel them. To make sure it wasn’t a dream.
But I could feel them inside of me right now, a faint sliver of magic, and that was enough.
For now.
When I thought I was finally relaxing, Levi came back, wearing a shirt he must have stolen from a dead body, and hopped into the driver’s seat. He didn’t say anything, and neither did I. Halfway to the townhouse, stopped at a red light, he started searching the center console and even reached over me into the glove compartment.
“What are you looking for?” I asked, annoyed.
“Pain medicine.”
I glanced at him, but he didn’t seem hurt. Oh, it was for me. He was feeling my pain and it was bothering him again. “Just wait a little longer, then you won’t feel anything anymore,” I snapped.
He fixed his hard eyes on mine for three seconds, until the light turned green, and he drove again.
The rest of the drive was silent, and when we arrived at the townhouse, Lacey rushed out to the front porch.
“Thank goodness, both of you are okay,” she said, her expression relieved.
“You disobeyed me,” Levi said, a bite in his words.
“It isn't the first time.” Then, she lowered her voice and said, “It won’t be the last.”
If I had been feeling better, I would have smiled at her.
“I heard that!” he barked.
“Did you get your wings back?” Lacey asked me as I walked up to her. I nodded. “Then it worked out, didn’t it? No need to be mad at me.” Then she saw all the blood on me. “Oh, shit. Come in. I’ll heal you.”