Page 30 of Savage
“What do you care,” he cries out in response. “She’s just some whore. A nobody. She’ll let anyone inside her cun?—”
His words are cut short as I spit my disgust in his face. My voice trembles as I confront him, “I never let you inside of me. Any of you.”
“You never said no to any of us, though.” A dark chuckle rattles in his chest. “Hector always said you were a good little whore.”
“Call her a fucking whore one more time, and I’ll cut your fucking cock off.” Raf violently pulls the man’s hair and seethes, “While you’re lying in a pool of your own blood, slowly bleeding out, you can learn first-hand what it’s like to be fucked by your cock unwillingly.”
I swallow hard at Raf’s words, knowing without any doubt that he would follow through with his threat. Based on the terrified look staring back at me, so does the threatened man .
He doesn’t say another word as Raf forcibly walks him back to the cabin. Raf eyes over every nook and cranny of the one room building to ensure that there aren’t other men waiting for us before shoving the man into a chair.
Holding a gun on the man, Raf fists my shirt and pulls me into him to place a kiss on my lips. “Go clean yourself up, little lamb. I won’t start without you.”
“Start?” the man mumbles as I follow Raf’s command and head into the tiny bathroom. Glancing in the mirror, I’m startled by my appearance. My matted hair is riddled with leaves. Dirt and mascara stain my still-flushed cheeks. My shirt is stained, and my pants—holy hell, my pants—have a gaping hole in the crotch.
Pulling off my clothes, I shove all of them into the trash before cleaning up the best I can in the sink. Raf slides a small duffle bag through the door, and I find another pair of leggings and one of his T-shirts in there and pull them on.
Stepping from the bathroom, I find the man naked and bound to the chair. A gag shoved in his mouth to keep him quiet.
Raf sits beside him, tortuously playing with one of the knives from the kitchen. He repeatedly rolls the handle in his palm, spinning the sharp blade. He turns to face me, and his eyes immediately roam over my body. Even the mess that I am, he can’t pull his gaze from me.
“I ask. You answer. No more. No less.” Raf grabs the gag shoved in the man’s mouth. He pulls it out, and I realize that while I was cleaning up, the man had the pleasure of sucking on his own dirty underwear. “Understood.”
“Yes,” he sniffles.
“Did you fuck my little lamb?” Raf draws the man’s attention to me, and he stares at me as though he’s contemplating what the right answer is to Raf’s question.
We both know damn well what the answer is.
Raf slides the knife through the man’s love handle. The cut is smooth and deep, causing his flesh to split open and blood to begin oozing down his side.
“Let’s try again,” Raf places knife on the other side of his stomach. “Did you stick your pathetic fucking cock in my little lamb?”
“I didn’t know.” He grits his teeth and squeezes his eyes shut waiting for the next slice, which Raf immediately provides him.
“You aren’t answering my question.” Raf drags the flat of the knife over the man’s thighs to clean the blood from it.
“I didn’t know she was yours,” he whimpers as Raf teasingly slides the knife along his throat. “They said she was a gift.”
“She is a fucking gift.” An adoring smirk tugs at the corner of Raf’s mouth when he looks over at me. “A fucking treasure to be worshipped. Not one of you deserve to be in her presence, much less the delectable cunt that lies between her thighs.”
Raf slides blade the length of the man’s inner thigh, and his blood spills down his thigh and pools on the chair. “All of you are going to pay for what you’ve done. Tell me who let you touch her, and I’ll think about making this fast.”
An icy chill runs down my spine as he speaks the name. I cross my arms over my chest, suddenly needing to warm myself.
“Tell me where he’s hiding,” Raf snarls, and I suddenly realize that this isn’t all about me.
In the couple of weeks since Raf rescued me, not once has it crossed my mind how he found me.
Why would a rival cartel be visiting that shitty safe house?
He was there for them.
Raf was hunting Guillermo. And I can only assume Jorge as well.
Finding me gave him leverage.