Page 4 of Lord of Retribution
I’d been taught right from wrong, good men from bad. I’d always followed the rules, never receiving as much as a parking ticket. Yet around Daniel, I felt the edges blurring, everything I’d known before this moment smudged as if a painting in blood, our vows just the beginning of becoming one.
Even worse, I knew in my heart that it would be far too easy to fall into the beautiful yet dark abyss of the merciless killer.
And that would most certainly be the death of me.
Remember, you hate him with everything inside of you.
That was true enough, the moment of meeting him certainly no one’s traditional fairytale, but seeing him in the tuxedo had awakened something deep inside. Even the moments of possession when we’d danced, Daniel keeping both his eyes locked on mine and his hand on the small of my back had been enthralling.
Shuddering, I tried to shut down the wave of emotions, concentrating on the shivers that had continuously raced down my spine.
I was in his house, in his bedroom, fighting the same nervousness I’d thought I’d conquered.
The room was a beautiful representation of romance. From the lit column candles and the soft bedding already turned down, the sheets and pillows covered in red rose petals, to the beautiful strains of Spanish guitar music lilting through unseen speakers and the bottle of champagne on ice, the powerful man had thought of everything.
Only all I could think about was comparing the crimson petals to drops of blood as I wondered how many people he’d killed in his life. I backed against the wall opposite the bed, daring to glance in his direction as he closed the bedroom door, walking toward me slowly.
“I don’t want this,” I told him.
“You have no choice.”
“You said it was strictly business.”
“I never lied to you. I thought in truth I was very clear as to my expectations when we met before. Do you not remember?”
His caustic words reminded me of the chaos I’d allowed into my life. “Oh, I remember. You acted as if I was nothing but your possession, a toy or a treat you could devour when you wanted.” The bravado in my tone surprised even me.
Goddamn, his smugness was even more intense than before, the man stalking toward me. “Let’s get something straight, sweetheart. There are rules you will learn to follow.”
“I play by no man’s rules. You should know that by now.”
“Please, princess. You’ve been your daddy’s little pawn your entire life. Haven’t you?”
That was the sad truth for me. No matter my determination to be independent, my interactions with my father made it obvious I was not. He ruled with an iron fist, just like I suspected this man did. This… bastard of a man. “This isn’t what I signed up for.”
He cocked his head. “It’s not? I beg to differ. You’re required to produce an heir, maybe more than one.”
I was confused by his words, my mind searching over the terms of the contract. Oh, God. Had I not seen that part on the detailed contract? Was I really supposed to bear his children then consider leaving?
The way the bastard laughed riled everything inside me. “You’re an intelligent woman, my pet. Certainly, you read over that paragraph. Or did you place so much trust in your father you ignored it?”
He continued closing the distance and I threw my hand out. “Don’t come any closer.”
While he stopped briefly, he took another purposeful step closer, daring to defy me as I’d done to him. “I will do anything I want, sweet, luscious Maria. And do you want to know why? Because you belong to me, princess.”
“I’m no one’s princess.”
Why did a shiver slam down my spine all the way to my toes hearing his powerful, dominating statement?
“You are to me. You’re my sweet, delicious, and stunning wife.”
God, how I wanted to hate him for his attempt at seducing me, but I couldn’t take my eyes off him, let alone push him away. Up until this point, I’d hated men who pulled the dominant card, as if being a powerful alpha male provided not only a get out of jail free card but one that gave explicit permission to do what he wanted and take what he craved. But for some illogical reason, I found his brutality and air of arrogance attractive.
Maybe the champagne I’d consumed had gone straight to my head.