Page 29 of Rogue's Cross
Not for the first time tonight, I glance down at myself. I did put a little more effort into my wardrobe than I normally do. With this being a grand opening party and because I’m an employee of the bar supplying some of the alcohol, I figured it couldn’t hurt to dress up. The purple top I purchased from Naughty/Nice and the black skirt I found in the back of my closet are only enhanced by a pair of black strappy stilettos. My makeup is smokier than I typically wear since I usually go for more of a gothic look at work.
“You look beautiful,” Violet compliments.
I give her a grateful smile. “Thanks. And no, I didn’t wear this for Rogue. I bought it because it’s pretty, and I like it. I didn’t even know if I’d ever wear it.”
“Why wouldn’t you wear something you bought?” Mel asks, confused.
“It’s not like I go out on dates.” I hold up my hand when Cece opens her mouth. “I’m not saying I couldn’t go out on a date. I just don’t have time. Between work and catching up on sleep from work, I’m too tired to put in the effort.”
“You ladies having a good time?” Thorn asks, stepping up to the table. My gratitude that he didn’t overhear our conversation is short-lived when he continues. “Even though you don’t date, surely you have someone to help you… relieve stress, right?” He wags his brows suggestively.
My cheeks heat with embarrassment, but before I can respond, Jez beats me to the punch. “She’s not looking to sit on your face, Thorn.”
“I’d be happy to let her sit on something else,” he incites.
“Who’s sitting on what?” Spike asks, joining our group.
“Skye on my dick,” Thorn states proudly.
“Sorry to disappoint you, Thorn, but I already have someone waiting at home for me,” I jest.
“You do?” Spike asks, confused. “Who, and why didn’t you bring him?”
“I didn’t think it would be appropriate. Bob never leaves the apartment.”
The women giggle, but Thorn and Spike exchange confused looks.
“Bob sounds like a dick,” Thorn bites out.
“He really is,” I agree. “But he keeps me so satisfied, and I don’t have the heart to kick him out. Bob’s a great listener and never interrupts. He always hits that sweet spot that keeps me coming back for more. Oh, and I never have to tell him to put the toilet seat down.”
Apple’s the first one to lose it. Mel doubles over laughing, and tears leak out of Cece’s eyes as she gulps for breath. Recognition shines on Violet’s face, and she turns a deep shade of red as what I’m saying really sinks in.
Thorn and Spike’s mouths drop open in shock as they glance around at all of us.
“What’s so funny?” Thorn demands.
“Yeah, he doesn’t sound so great if he can’t even show up to a party with his girl,” Spike adds.
“That was my decision. Like I said, it wouldn’t be appropriate,” I reiterate. “Bob does what he’s told when he’s told to do it.”
This sends the girls into another fit of laughter. Unfortunately, we gain the attention of Frenzy and Heather.
“You all seem to be having a good time over here.” Heather pushes between Apple and Violet. “Can we join?”
Cece nods. “Absolutely, the more the merrier.”
“What’re we talking about that has all you laughing down the joint?” Frenzy wraps his arms around Heather from behind and pulls her against his chest.
Soul, Grim, Malice, and Abyss choose that moment to waltz up to the table. They grab Cece, Violet, Apple, and Mel around their waists. Like a choreographed dance, they each nibble at their woman’s neck.
“Ladies,” Soul greets when he comes up for air. “Are you all having a good time?”
“Too good, apparently,” Thorn says bitterly and signs for Grim. “Something is obviously hilarious to them, but me and Spike aren’t in on the joke. Sounds like our little Skye here has a boyfriend none of us know about. She keeps him locked up in her apartment.”
Soul cocks his brow at me. “Really? How come you didn’t bring him with you tonight?”
“I’ve already explained this to Thorn and Spike,” I say with exasperation.