Page 33 of Rogue's Cross
“I didn’t say anything because I couldn’t prove it,” Waylon explains. “Ever since the night the systems went down, money has been missing. Granted, it hasn’t been a lot at one time, but small amounts here and there.”
“Doesn’t explain why you didn’t let me in on your theory,” Rogue snarls.
“I told you what happened that night.”
Rogue nods. “I remember, but what I don’t recall is you ever mentioning it again.”
I listen in disbelief as they continue to talk about me like I’m not even here.
“After her drawer came up short, I called you with my suspicions, and you talked to her the next day. Everything seemed fine.” He shrugs. “Since nothing happened, I waited for more proof. I found it tonight when I saw her stuffing her pockets with money, hand over fist.”
“Those were my tips, asshole!” I shout, unable to be quiet anymore. “We all had money shoved in our pockets.”
“And you had a helluva lot more than we did.” Waylon narrows his eyes. “And I’m guessing you didn’t tell Rogue how many times you left the main bar room tonight.”
His words slam into my gut. “For my breaks, which I took outside to get some fresh air. Hell, one of my breaks I went to gossip with RaRa.”
“I called RaRa and spoke to him before coming back here,” he states haughtily. “I wanted to confirm my suspicions. He said that you were only in the kitchen for a few minutes before you disappeared.”
“It was only a ten-minute break. I talked to him and then ran to the bathroom before I had to be back behind the bar.”
“I’m sorry, Skye,” he says. “You’re the only one who could’ve done this. No one else’s till has been short.”
“That’s enough.” Rogue pulls his cell phone out of his pocket, giving me no opportunity to protest further. A few seconds pass before he barks, “Bring me a cage.” I don’t know who he called, but his face contorts with rage. “Don’t fucking question me. Get here now, and bring a fucking cage. Tell Soul I’m bringing a guest.” He narrows his eyes on me. “A reluctant one.”
Fuck! How did I end up in this predicament?
He disconnects the call and keeps his gaze leveled on mine.. “Our ride’s on the way.”
Pretty sure I’m not gonna survive the night. At least I’ll get to see Clint again.
“Iwanna go home.”
The woman sitting in the chair across from me is a far cry from the confident beauty who works behind the bar. Her cheeks are streaked from tears, and her eyes are red from crying.
“Yeah, not happening,” Soul says unapologetically as he paces.
“You can’t keep me here,” Skye retorts.
Abyss signs for Grim when Skye speaks, and when he finishes her last argument, Grim throws his head back and laughs.
“We can, and we will,” he returns.
Skye watches Grim but whips her head in my direction when I translate. “Can I at least have my cell so I can text him instead of waiting for translations and shit?”
I glance at Soul who simply nods. Reaching toward the middle of the table, I grab her phone but ignore the knife that was taken from her possession before we even left Purgatory. I toss the phone at her, and Skye easily catches it despite the way her body trembles with anger and fear.
“Thanks,” she mutters and then begins to tap the screen of her phone.
Two seconds later, Grim reaches into his pocket and takes out his cell. He glances at it before throwing his head back and laughing.
“What’s so funny?” I demand.
Grim shakes his head.