Page 37 of Rogue's Cross
“What’s that?” I ask.
“What did you say?” Rogue barks, talking over me.
Grim smacks the back of Rogue’s head.
“What?” Rogue snarls at his brother.
Grim smirks and signs to him.
“Fifty dollars, asshole,” Violet says for my benefit.
“Explain what that is Violet,” Rogue demands, but his tone is nicer than before.
The stress of the day catches up to me, and a giggle escapes. Once I start laughing, I can’t stop. Rogue stares at me like I need psychiatric care, but I don’t care anymore. This is one fucked up day, and he can kiss my ass.
Cece moves beside me. “I think we broke her.”
Abyss grabs my other wrist and holds it in his hand. “Her pulse is too fast. Stress is getting to her.”
Why does he even care? They’re gonna kill me anyway for stealing. Wouldn’t having a heart attack make it easier to clean up?
I take a few deep breaths and yank my arm out of his grasp. “I’m fine, I’m fine.” Abyss doesn’t look convinced, but he steps back. “What is dyscal… whatever that word is you said?” I ask Violet.
“Dyscalculia,” she says. “It’s a learning disability. In Layman’s Terms, it means it affects your ability to do math or comprehend numbers. Basically, it affects the way you see numbers and how you compute math problems. Sometimes, counting backward can tell if a person is able to keep the numbers in chronological order or not. You did well, but you skipped around and moved numbers around. Were you ever diagnosed in school with a learning disability?”
I shake my head vehemently. “No, I don’t have a disability. The teachers never said I did. I got my high school diploma without anyone’s help.”
Barely, but still, I have one.
“I went back and watched the video of when you worked behind the bar,” Jez admits. “The only time you clamped up was when the systems went down or when you shut the drawer too quickly before you gave back change to a customer.”
“You’ve made your fucking point!” I yell, jumping to my feet. “I’m fucking stupid, and I can’t do math. Maybe I have some stupid disability I can’t even pronounce, which I don’t think I do, because no one ever gave a shit to test me.”
“Skye.” Violet’s voice drips with sympathy.
“Stop.” I hold up my hand. “I don’t want your pity.” I refuse to look at Rogue. I don’t even want to imagine what’s going on in his head right now. Instead, I swivel around to find Soul. “Please, take me back to the bar. I’ll give you everything I have. It’s not much, but it’s all yours if you let me go. If the books are short, it was an honest accident. I didn’t steal anything because I’m not a thief. I’m stupid, that’s it. I swear I’m just stupid, but I’m a good person. I’m a good person.”
My body shakes; the adrenaline coursing through me is finally fading. A tear streaks down my cheek, and then another. I gasp as a sob erupts, and nothing can stop the waterworks.
“Clint’s right. He’s the only one who’s ever believed in me.”
He’s the only one who’s ever believed in me.
I might as well be a feather for as quickly as that statement could knock me on my ass. I’ve known Skye for over two years, and I’ve never heard her talk about another man. Hell, I don’t know if she’s ever even gone on a date.
Not that it’s any of my business.
“Who’s Clint?” I ask when I find the presence of mind to open my mouth. “And where can I find him?”
“Find him?” Skye scrunches her nose. “Why the hell would you want to find him?”
That’s a good question.