Page 4 of Rogue's Cross
“Rogue, this is Skye,” Waylon says as he strides back into the office, hitching a thumb over his shoulder.
I look up from the resume, and my eyes zero in on the woman stepping through the doorway behind him. Skye Summers is every man’s—or at least this man’s—walking wet dream.
Holy fuck.
With shoulder-length ash blonde hair, dark mysterious eyes, and more tattoos than I can take in at the moment, she’s stunning.
Like a fish out of water, I open and close my mouth several times before any words come out.
“C’mon in.” I stand and thrust my hand across the desk. “I’m Rogue. It’s nice to meet you.”
“Skye,” she says as she shakes my hand.
“Please, have a seat.”
She and Waylon both sit, and my new manager’s eyes dart from me to her and back again. I need to pull myself together unless I want him to read the very dirty thoughts running through my mind.
He clears his throat before beginning the interview himself. “Skye, why don’t you tell us a little bit about yourself?”
She talks about her work history, her educational background, and why she’s looking to switch jobs. Most of what she says can be learned from her resume. I want more.
I want to know what makes this woman tick. I want to know her likes and dislikes, her dreams and fears… I want to know everything about her that I have no right to know as her employer.
“Why do you want to work at Purgatory?” I ask. “You currently bartend at one of the busiest bars in the city so I’m curious as to why you wanna leave?”
Skye blinks several times and rubs her hands over her thighs. “I just need a change of pace. I’ve heard good things about Purgatory and feel like I’d be a good fit.”
“You’ve heard good things? From who?”
“Customers mostly.” She shrugs. “Alcohol makes people talk. I might work at one of the busiest bars, but that doesn’t mean it’s one of the best.”
“Meaning?” I ask.
Skye’s shoulders tense, and Waylon watches her intently. “Look, it’s bad form to talk negatively about a current employer during an interview. I’m trying to stick to that.”
I like her.
“We’re not all that formal around here,” I tell her. “Speak your mind. I promise I won’t hold it against you.”
That seems to relax her, and her body loosens. “We’re busy as hell, but my boss attracts the wrong kind of customers. Now, I’m not an idiot. I know Purgatory is owned by an MC, but I’ve also heard that because of that, there isn’t as much trouble. I’d prefer to work for people who don’t objectify me or expect more from me than bartending.”
“So, if you were assigned extra duties, you wouldn’t be open to doing them?” Waylon asks. “Because there are times you may be called on to clean or help with inventory.”
“She’s not talking about those kinda duties,” I snap before forcing a smile. “You’d never be expected to do anything like what you’re implying, Skye. And if you are ever put in a position where you feel like you are being asked to do that, you come to me or any of my brothers. We’d take care of it immediately.”
“And that’s why I want to work here,” she confirms. “I love bartending, and I’m good at it. Real good. Finding work doing something else isn’t high on the top of my list of things I want to do, but I will if it comes to that.”
“I don’t think it’s gonna come to that,” I tell her honestly. “When can you start?”
“Will you hold it against me if I say tomorrow?”
I shake my head. “No. Why would I?”
“Because that means I wouldn’t be giving an appropriate notice at my job.”
I chuckle. “I won’t hold that against you.”
“Then I can start tomorrow.”