Page 41 of Rogue's Cross
After I was calm enough to leave the clubhouse, Rogue insisted on bringing me home. I argued that I’d prefer Jez drive me, but he wasn’t having that. My stomach is no longer in knots, and my secret is out. There’s no more hiding.
Rogue unlocks my door, and I lead him into my small apartment. I head to the fridge while Rogue locks the door.
“Do you want a beer?”
“Um… sure.”
After popping the top of the bottle with my opener, I slide it across the counter to him. Rumbling breaks the awkward silence while we drink.
“Interrogation and thoughts of my untimely death have obviously made me famished. Are you hungry? I’m sure torture and mayhem work up an appetite.” I chuckle nervously.
Rogue grimaces. “About that… I?—”
“I get it.” I hold up my hand. “Didn’t like it, but I get it. If someone were stealing from me, I’d want the asshole, too.”
Rogue’s eyes narrow. “We’ll figure out who’s fucking stealing one way or another.”
“So… are you hungry? I can make dinner if you want to stick around for a while.” I pull out all the fixings to make tacos.
“Do you want me to stick around? After what happened?”
“Wouldn’t have offered if I didn’t want you here.” I grab the skillet from the cupboard. “Like I said, I get why you did it. Tacos?”
“One of my favorites.” Rogue walks around the small peninsula to come fully into the kitchen. “What can I do to help?”
“You cook?”
“I know my way around the kitchen,” he jokes, picking up a knife.
I shove the onions toward him, and lucky for me, he obliges and begins chopping. That allows me to avoid red, stingy, watery eyes which I appreciate. We work in comfortable silence, but every once in a while, Rogue’s hand brushes against mine. Shivers rack my body, and I silently pray he doesn’t notice the effect he’s having on me. A knowing smile tugs at his lips, but he doesn’t say anything.
As soon as everything is ready, we make our plates and sit down at my small dining table. We eat quietly, not bothering with small talk. After dinner, Rogue takes both of our plates and places them in the sink.
I take a couple more beers out of the fridge and gesture for him to join me on the couch. “I’ll do the dishes later.”
Rogue sits next to me and takes the drink I offer. Instead of taking a sip, he puts it on the end table and wraps his fingers around my wrist to pull me toward him. I tumble forward, my hand landing on his chest.
“Rogue,” I say breathlessly.
He grips my chin and lifts my head up a split-second before his lips descend on mine. All the shit from earlier disappears as I lose myself in his kiss. Rogue’s tongue demands entry, and I gladly open up for him. His mouth dominates me, and I feel at peace for the first time in a long time.
Too bad the feeling doesn’t last long.
Oh, no! Shit… He’s my boss!
I push away from Rogue and scramble to my feet. I pace the length of the living room as Rogues watches me curiously.
“Never got that reaction before.”
“I can’t… we can’t,” I mumble. “He’s the boss. What will people think?”
“Skye, stop,” Rogue commands and I immediately halt my movements and dip my chin. “Come here.”
I inch toward him slowly, and when I’m within reach, he grabs my waist and tugs me onto his lap. “Oompf.”
“Skye, look at me,” Rogue demands when I refuse to meet his eyes. I peek through my lashes, heat spreading across my face from embarrassment. “I’ve been wanting to do that since the first fucking time you walked through my office door.”