Page 78 of Rogue's Cross
After clicking on the email’s attachment, a video starts to play. I flip the phone sideways so it fills the screen, and every muscle in my body tenses to the point of pain.
Skye is tied to a chair, and blood coats her cheek. Her eye is swollen shut, and she’s got several bruises.
“This is the one and only communication you’re going to get so listen up.”
Whoever is speaking is off-camera, and it’s clear that they’re using something to disguise their voice because it’s robotic as hell.
Then Skye speaks, and my world goes all topsy-turvy.
“I will be released if the requested ransom is paid by noon tomorrow. The kidnappers want five hundred thousand dollars wire-transferred to the following account number.” She rattles off a series of numbers, but I don’t bother trying to remember them because this video is going directly to Fort and Jez when I’m done watching. “If the money is not received, I will be murdered, and my body will be dismembered and scattered across the country. You will never find me. My grandma will also disappear, and Saints Purgatory will never be safe. Please don’t try to find me because that will only have the same results.” Tears slide down Skye’s cheeks as she talks, streaking the blood. “If the ransom is received on time, I will be released, and no further harm will come to me. You’ll be able to pick me up at these coordinates.” Again, she rattles off numbers, and then she speaks faster. “Rogue, don’t feel like you ha?—”
A hand appears from off-camera, striking her in the face. Rage like I’ve never felt burns like acid in my veins.
“I told you to stay on script!” the robotic voice shouts a split-second before the screen goes dark.
Before I return my attention to Soul, I forward the video to him, Fort, and Jez. Then I lift the phone back to my ear.
“This is really fucking bad,” I snarl.
“What did you just send me?” he asks.
“A ransom demand.”
“Yep. Whoever took Skye wants five hundred grand by noon tomorrow, or she dies.” I take a deep breath. “I sent the video to Fort and Jez too. It looked like Skye was in front of a window. Maybe they can figure out where she is by the scenery in the background.”
I’ve seen it done on TV so surely it can be done in real life. Besides, we’re Saints Purgatory. If the scenery can’t tell us where she’s being held, something else will.
Something has to because I can’t lose her.
“Okay. Stay where you are,” Soul orders. “We’ll work on things from here, and I’ll keep you posted.”
“I can’t just sit here and wait,” I growl.
“Yes, you can,” he insists. “We have no idea where Skye is, but it stands to reason that she’s not too far from where she was taken. And that is right where you are.”
“But Pr?—”
“Rogue, that’s an order!”
“I’ll be in touch.”
Soul disconnects the call, and I lean my head back and let out a guttural shout. This can’t be happening. Skye and I are just getting started. The thought of it ending before we really have a chance to see what’s there almost kills me… almost.
I need to stay focused, stay positive. That’s the only way she walks out of this alive. If I give up, then all hope is lost.
I make my way back to my Harley, my eyes scanning my surroundings with every step. I know in my gut that I won’t see anything helpful, but that’s not gonna stop me from trying. When I reach the road, I try to call Skye.
“You’ve reached Sk?—”
Groaning, I disconnect the call and send her a text instead.
Me: I’m coming for you. Stay strong.
I don’t expect a response, but it feels good just to get those words out into the world. She’ll see the text eventually.