Page 9 of Rogue's Cross
My condo? I didn’t even know John was in town. I mean, he told me he travels all over the place, but I never expected to see him in Pittsburgh.
Me: You’re in town?
John: Bout time. Where r u?
Me: I’ve got a job ya know
John: Me 2. Get home
Me: On my way
I shove my phone into my suit jacket pocket and throw my leg over my bike. Twenty minutes later, I’m pulling into my driveway and parking. There are no vehicles or motorcycles in sight, and a surge of frustration rises to the surface that John couldn’t wait a little longer for me to get home.
Before I can give it too much thought, my front door opens, and John raises his hands as he steps outside.
“Hurry up, Caleb.”
I shove my keys into my pocket. “How’d you get inside?” I sign.
John and I didn’t grow up together, but our mothers are sisters, and we visited every summer. I picked up sign language pretty quickly.
He arches a brow. “Does it matter?”
Shaking my head, I hurry toward the door if for no other reason than to wipe the impatient look off his face. I follow him inside and freeze in my tracks.
Standing in the middle of my living room are two men with cuts identical to John’s, and in between them is a familiar face… Well, beneath the blood and swelling, it’d be familiar.
I whirl on my cousin. “What have you done?”
“Stan’s been stealing from your firm,” he informs me, referring to the junior accountant. “And he’s trying to pin it on you.”
A car blows by me, the horn blaring. I slow my Harley and pull to the side of the road. I’m about a mile from the clubhouse, and the only thing about the ride that I remember is that I was lost in thought.
I love being a brother in Saints Purgatory MC. There’s never been a single second where I regret the decisions I made the day Stan was killed in my condo. No regrets and every confidence that I’d do the same thing now.
Sinners must be purged, and I will always be glad to be on the right side of sin.
“Can you go to the stockroom and count how many bottles are left in the box of whiskey that Rogue special ordered?”
Tony’s been counting beer bottles for the last hour while I scrub down the tables and mop. So far, all I’ve done today is clean, but I’ll take that over counting any day of the week.
“Sure.” I lift the bar flap and head to the back where the liquor is stored. I glance up and down the shelves until I spot the box that Tony’s looking for.
Fuck! It just had to be on the top shelf.
Being five foot five usually isn’t a problem because I can stand on my toes to reach most anything. A box filled with liquor, though, is a different can of worms. Grabbing the three-foot ladder, I place it next to the shelf before stepping onto the bottom rung. I reach up, but I’m still too short and can only skim the box with my fingertips. Taking a deep breath, I climb to the highest step and rise onto my tiptoes. Stretching my arms, I pull the box toward my body.
“What the fuck do you think you’re doing?”
I shriek and stumble backward, but before I can land on my ass, a pair of strong arms catch me. Too bad the same can’t be said for the box of whiskey that crashes to the ground.
I take a deep breath to help steady my heart rate and push away from the hard body I’m being held against. I bend over to open the lid, praying that all the bottles haven’t been destroyed. When I notice the liquor seeping out from under the box, my chest deflates.
This is going to cost my entire paycheck to replace. Wait… This isn’t my fault. I wouldn’t have dropped the damn box if someone hadn’t scared me.