Page 114 of Knot A Trace: Part Two
It’s the first time I’ve seen them all dressed up.
River is dressed in a dark blue blazer and black slacks. Vincent wears a dark grey jacket, while Landon sports a light grey one.
They all look professional and polished.
Landon is the first one to spot me. He smiles at me, his dark brown eyes tender as I walk over to him.
“You showed up,” he says, his earthy scent calming me.
“I did,” I agree, as people filter into the building. I catch Tammy at the back of the room sitting next to Devyn.
“Your bravery astounds me, Skylar,” Landon says earnestly.
“I don’t feel very brave right now. I’m terrified out of my mind.”
“You don’t have to speak if you don’t want to.” His brow furrows. “You could just sit in the back, if you want. That would be more than enough, I’m sure.”
It’s tempting to hide in the back of the room and not go up to the podium and flay myself alive.
“If this helps find April, I’m doing it,” I tell him. “I’ve come this far.”
Landon shakes his head. “I have the urge to kiss you,” he admits. “But I’m afraid it would be unprofessional of me.”
I chuckle. “And you’re nothing if not professional.”
“Absolutely. I have a reputation to uphold.” He gives me a brilliant smile, and my stomach flutters.
I can do this.
I feel a hand on my shoulder and turn to see River.
“Hey,” he purrs, his spicy scent making my heart race. “That outfit looks familiar.”
I glance down at what I’m wearing. Except for the pants, everything is the same as what I wore the day I showed up at their office.
The day I was hit by a car in the parking lot, and everything was set into motion.
It feels like it was a lifetime ago.
“I miss the skirt,” he sighs, and Landon shoots him a look.
“The press is here, River,” he says, as if he’s talking to a child.
“No shit, asshole.”
“Then you should know that if they see you flirting with her, they could choose to focus on that and not what we’re here for.”
River scowls, but I take a considerable step back from both of them, just in case.
“Sorry, Skylar,” River grumbles. “I meant to come over and tell you good luck. If anyone can do this, you can.” His emerald eyes burn with intensity.
“Thank you,” I say earnestly.
“Fuck them, baby. They didn’t win. And you speaking today shows they never will.”
I give him a small smile. “I know.”
But I don’t, really. The fear creeps in as I watch reporters take their seats. Television news cameras are on either side of the room, their giant lenses pointed at the podium.