Page 19 of Dixie's Dilemma
I return to making notes, but my mind is still with Vladimir. I don’t realize how distracted I’ve been until Sasha takes the notepad and pencil away from me.
“We’ve been calling your name for the last five minutes,” she chides me.
“Sorry, my mind was elsewhere.”
“We know. He’ll be okay,” she assures me.
I frown at her and shake my head. “How do you know?”
“Because he’s no longer alone. He has you and all of us.”
I smile at the reminder.
“How is it coming?” Hex asks when he and Dixie return from seeing Vladimir off.
Cleo pockets the measuring tape before striding into Hex’s open arms. Seeing them together always gives me such joy. They had a rough start, one that I had a hand in. The President of the Las Vegas Chapter, Puma, and I rescued Cleo from a man who I thought was kidnapping her and who meant her harm. I realize with a jolt that the man I suspected was Vladimir. Chuckling, I just shake my head at myself. How had I not recognized my son?
“What has you chuckling?” Dixie asks, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me close.
“I just realized that Puma and I rescued Cleo from one son and brought her to my other son.”
Cleo beams at me. “You did, and I don’t know if I ever thanked you,” she says, giving Hex a passionate kiss.
“Why did Vladimir try to kidnap Cleo back then?” Dixie asks.
“We’ll have to ask him next time we talk to him,” Hex says. “In the meantime, are you done out here?”
“For now,” Cleo says. “We need to clean out the vegetation and get some fresh soil.”
“Have the prospects do the grunt work,” Hex says. “Tell them to install an irrigations system while they’re at it. If you want more space, we can extend the garden. I’m really looking forward to sampling whatever you grow here.”
“I wouldn’t mind sampling everything you offer,” Dixie growls in my ear before nipping at my lobe. That shot of pain hit me right in the clit. Damn, the man makes me wet with minimal effort.
Turning to stare into his eyes, I realize that I really need what he’s offering. He’s exceptional at distracting me, but he’s more than a distraction. He’s like a shot of confidence and something I desperately need right now. “I think I can take care of that for you,” I purr into his ear. “As long as I get to sample your wares, too.”
His hazel eyes darken with lust before he pulls me into the clubhouse and up the stairs to his room.
The sound of Delphine giggling as I drag her up to my room lightens my heart more than any other sound. Except maybe the noises she makes as she rides my cock. This woman is my everything. She’s had a rough day, so I’m going to pamper her.
“Lay here on the bed and I’m going to run you a bath with candles and a glass of wine,” I tell her, helping her onto the bed.
“That sounds like heaven,” Delphine purrs.
“Let me go grab one of those bath bombs you like. I’ll be right back,” I offer, crossing the hall and entering Delphine’s room. She spends most of her time in mine, but I know she still needs her own space. Crossing into the bathroom, I dig through the basket of bath bombs she keeps on the counter until I find the oleander-scented one. It’s one of my favorites, and I know she loves the soothing scent.
After running her bath, I help her help her undress. As I remove each article of clothing, I press kisses against her soft skin. As I move down her body, the scent of her arousal grows stronger. Unable to resist, I take a long, slow lick between her folds after I peel off her underwear. “You’re so fucking tasty,” I mutter as I give her another lick. She’s sweet and spicy and all I want to do is bury myself in her wet heat, but I promised my woman a relaxing bath. I have all night to enjoy this woman.
“How are you doing?” I ask when I check on her a few minutes later. “Need some more wine?” I tilt the bottle and pour in a healthy amount.
“I needed this, thank you,” she says. Her smiles give me such a rush. I’m addicted to her happiness.
“Need me to add more hot water?”
She shakes her head before placing her glass on the shelf and sitting up. “What I need is you,” she whispers before leaning forward to steal a kiss. Running my fingers through her hair before cupping the back of her head, I hold her in place as I devour her mouth. While my other hand massages her breasts, and turns her nipples into hard diamonds. Then I slide my hand into the water and cup her sex.
“This is mine,” I whisper against her lips. She gives a barely perceptible nod. Sliding my finger through her folds, I can feel her arousal mixing with the water. I finger-fuck her until she’s gasping. She’s so close. Her walls tighten and flutter around my fingers. When I press her clit with my thumb, it’s like setting off a bomb. She detonates. “That’s my girl.”