Page 21 of Dixie's Dilemma
“What the fuck is going on?” Hex demands. “Why are you only wearing Dixie’s shirt? Is this some sex game between the two of you? Because if it is, get the fuck out of my office. I don’t need to see this.”
“He’s going to kill Vladimir,” I tell Hex without taking my eyes off Dixie.
“He’s an assassin, and he just took an assignment to kill Vladimir.”
“What the fuck are you talking about, Delphine?” Hex asks.
“I overheard him on the phone, that phone,” I say, nodding at the phone in Dixie’s hand. “He told the person on the other end that he would kill Vladimir. He just needed to know the timeframe and if he needed to make it look like an accident or not.”
Hex turns to look at Dixie. “Is this true?” Dixie closes his eyes in defeat, and I see Hex tense up. “Fucking answer me, is it true?”
Dixie gives a quick nod. “I can explain.”
“You better explain right fucking now,” Hex says in a voice so cold he draws my attention from Dixie. I’m suddenly worried that I made the wrong choice of coming to Hex without confronting Dixie first.
Dixie runs his hand through his hair and cusses. “Shit. I don’t know where to start.”
“How about you start by assuring Delphine and me you aren’t planning on killing my brother?”
“I’m not, I swear it. Yes. I received an order to kill him. I only told my contact I’d take the job because I knew if I didn’t, they’d find someone else.”
“Who the fuck are they?” Hex demands. “Who the hell are you working for?”
Dixie glances at me before returning his attention to Hex. “I’ll tell you everything, but just you.”
I open my mouth to argue, but Hex answers before I can get the words out.
“Okay.” When I turn my glare to Hex, he moves toward me and wraps me in a hug. “Let me handle this. I’ll make sure Vladimir lives. No matter what.”
I nod, because I trust Hex to keep his word. Without sparing Dixie a glance, I walk to the door. I can feel Dixie’s eyes on me, but I don’t have the energy to care. I thought Dixie was different, but I was wrong. Dixie’s betrayal proves I’m a terrible judge of men. Closing the door behind me, I turn the action into a promise. I’m closing the door on all men. I’m done with users and liars.
Running up the stairs, I head for my room. I peel off Dixie’s shirt and toss it against his door before I slam shut the door to my room. First stop is the shower. I need to wash off the smell of Dixie that permeates my skin. Turning the water to hot, I scrub hard to erase the memory of his touch. The tears pour freely as I suck in air between sobs. I’ll allow myself this breakdown and then I have to toughen up. I can’t let Dixie break me. Soaping up my pussy, and my ass, brings back all the memories of last night. I can still feel his hand smacking my globes and his cock hammering into my pussy. Shaking my head to dislodge the memories, I rinse off and step out of the shower. Wrapping a towel around me, I go into my room and stop cold. Sitting on my bed are my daughters and Cleo.
“What are you doing in here?” I ask.
“We’re here to take you out of the clubhouse,” Cleo says, holding up a credit card. “Hex says you need pampering.” When my emotions rush through me, she hurriedly adds. “He didn’t say why, and we promise not to pry.”
“Although from the shouting we heard coming out of Hex’s office, we can make an educated guess,” Shayna says.
“Come on, Mom, let’s go wear out Hex’s card,” Sasha says. “I could really use a massage and pedicure.”
I nod slowly as the idea takes hold. A few hours of pampering sounds amazing. “Okay, but I have to dress first. So, everyone out and I’ll meet you downstairs in a few minutes.” Once they leave, I put on one of my long skirts and loose tops before using a scarf to create an updo of cascading curls. This is my gypsy look and today I need to feel the energy only those with the sight can feel. Ignoring the nagging thought about how my sixth sense didn’t warn me of Dixie’s betrayal, I step through my door and ignore the room across from mine. I need to push him out of my head and out of my life.
When I reach the common room, I see Olivia and Nora standing with Sasha and Shayna while Cleo steps toward me. “I forgot Nora and I already made plans. We were going to the garden center to pick out supplies for the garden. So, I invited her to come with us. I also thought Olivia should go with us.”
We pile into the armored SUV. Levi is in the front seat with the prospect, Jack, driving. Jack drives us to Cleo’s favorite salon while I try to keep my mind off what’s happening back at the clubhouse. Now that my temper has cooled off, I can admit that I’m having second thoughts about leaving Hex to deal with Dixie. Maybe I should have heard Dixie’s explanation before rushing to Hex, but hearing your lover discussing the murder of your son is not conducive to a calm conversation.
Hex may have temper issues of his own, but he always thinks before he acts. I’m much more prone to letting my emotions guide my actions. He obviously has a much stronger hold on his emotions by taking the time to suggest Cleo pamper me. Unless the reason he wants me out of the clubhouse is to dispose of Dixie without interference? I feel my breathing quicken as I consider this scenario. Then my mind switches to the vision I had of Vladimir dead. I can’t catch my breath. Dixie’s assurance about not killing Vladimir and Hex’s awareness of the plot against Vladimir isn’t enough to stop the visions from playing in mind. An overwhelming feeling of losing them both has block spots forming around my vision.
“Mom, what’s wrong?” I hear Sasha asking through a long tunnel.
“Delphine?” Cleo shouts. “We’re losing her!”
“Stop the car and move out of the way so she can lie down,” says Olivia. “I think she’s having a panic attack. Levi, get me some cold water.”
I hear nothing else as I see my world crumble around me.