Page 30 of Dixie's Dilemma
“So, how do you want to do this?” I ask Nora.
“I was going to start at the top left corner and work my way down and over,” Nora says. “I thought I’d have to do it all myself, but if ya’ll are going to help, maybe Delphine can read off the plants and their intended locations. Sasha and Shayna can bring the plants to Olivia, Cleo, and me and we’ll plant them. The dirt is loose, so it won’t be hard work.”
“Works for us,” Shayna says as she and Sasha head over to the plants after grabbing two sets of work gloves. The others grab gloves and gardening tools.
We have a few rough starts, as my directions aren’t always as clear as they should be. I end up picking up the plan and standing closer to Nora and the others so they can reference the map as they work. We soon get into a rhythm and before too long, all the plants are in place. Jack and Levi pitch in to help by carrying the plants Shayna and Sasha hand them.
“We’re kind of late in the year for planting, but the prospects are going to build greenhouses around the beds for protection against the elements,” Nora explains. “Irish is on his way to Shreveport to pick up the equipment.”
We’re all admiring the finished project when I realize Shayna is no longer among us.
“Where’s Shayna?” I ask Sasha.
She waves her hand toward the east side of the property. “She saw something and went to check it out.”
I feel a sense of dread rising in my chest as I move toward the area she indicated. “She shouldn’t be wandering around alone,” I chastise Sasha.
“Relax Mama Bear. She’s not alone. Levi went with her,” Sasha says, joining me.
When I turn back to glare at her, I see everyone is following us. Jack rushes ahead and helps clear the way while we follow the path Levi and Shayna made. Hex and his men have been busy getting the clubhouse finished, so they haven’t had time to tackle the grounds.
His plan was always to finish the repairs on the clubhouse before tackling the vast property surrounding it. Hex purchased the old plantation and poured most of his money into it. When Dixie met Hex and discovered what he was trying to accomplish, Dixie sunk a substantial amount of his own money into the project. We now know that money came from his fees for being an assassin. I should probably feel some revulsion that blood money is supporting Hex’s efforts, but I know Dixie is a good man. I can’t imagine he’s targeting innocents. Feeling a pang of unease, I promise myself that I’ll pry more into the type of targets Dixie’s eliminated.
In the meantime, I follow Jack as he hacks at the foliage until we find ourselves in a clearing of sorts. The foliage isn’t as dense and some of it looks trampled upon. In front of us sits a large abandoned building. The windows have no glass and it’s missing a door. Shayna and Levi are standing near the doorway and looking inside.
“What is this place?” Olivia asks.
“They housed the slaves here,” I reply, remembering the map Zip made of the compound. He had several areas marked as buildings used when this plantation grew cotton and other crops.
“I saw it marked on Zip’s map,” Cleo says. “I assumed the building was no longer standing, but this is almost habitable.”
“It wouldn’t take much,” Shayna agrees. “At least based on the outside. Wonder what it’s like on the inside.”
“I’m sure the wildlife has made themselves at home,” Sasha says, crinkling her nose in disgust.
“I can go back and grab some flashlights,” Jack offers, and Cleo nods for him to go ahead. He returns a few minutes later with flashlights for each of us.
We break into pairs as we explore each room. There is one massive space with a fireplace and the remnants of wood tables and chairs. A long hallway leads to several smaller rooms, each as dirty and forgotten as the others. Over a century of dirt fills the corners, and the smell informs us about the various animals having made this place home over that time.
We wander around like we’re at a museum, albeit a poorly maintained one. But through the garbage and years of neglect, we can still see some semblance of the life those poor souls led. Caged and treated like animals, this is one of the many blights on our country’s history. Overwhelmed by the pervasive sadness that permeates the walls, I step back outside and circle around the building. On the far end, I discover a smaller building that might have been a storage shed. Using my flashlight, I shine it inside and am shocked to see the light reflected off surfaces within the room.
“Jack!” I shout as I shine a light on the almost spotless room. Several types of equipment sit on a table in the center of the room. What looks like a generator sits in one corner. A sleeping bag with a propane tank next to it sits in the far corner. Next to the door is a trashcan. Inside is a wrapper and plastic cup from a popular hamburger chain.
Jack appears at the door with the others right behind him.
“Someone has been staying here,” I point out, needlessly. “A prospect?”
Jack shakes his head. “No way. Why would any of us stay out here when we have a comfortable bed in the clubhouse?”
“We need to tell Hex,” Cleo says.
Jack takes off running for the clubhouse while the rest of us step back outside.
Shayna’s studying the buildings with a predatory gleam. “With a little effort, we could modernize these buildings and put them to use.”
“Hex has mentioned wanting more space for members from other clubhouses to come visit. This would make a great guesthouse,” Cleo adds.
“Have to get rid of the vagrant first,” Sasha says.