Page 32 of Dixie's Dilemma
The clubhouses in San Diego and Las Vegas have wide open spaces beyond their walls, nowhere for anyone to hide. However, an army could hide in the dense underbrush or up in the trees and we’d never know until it was too late.
“We need more people, especially prospects,” I add. “If we could clear out this place and eliminate the hiding spots, we’d make it harder for anyone to sneak up on us.”
“Yeah, I know,” Hex says, running his hand down his face.
“I know of some guys who might be interested in prospecting,” Jack says. “My brother owns a construction company. He has several guys about my age working for him. They’d be good prospects. They also have knowledge and experience clearing land and doing construction.”
Hex frowns at him. “Can’t imagine your brother would be too happy if we stole his men.”
“He has more men than he needs. Jason hoards people instead of things. He started his construction company when he left the service. He wanted to offer jobs to former vets. Then he started accepting those getting out of jail and then foster kids graduating out of the system. He’d like to do more.”
Hex leans against the desk and studies Jack. “I’d like to meet your brother. Does he ride?”
Jack nods and gives Hex a grin. “He’s the one who taught me. Helped me get my first bike. Jason quit the military after just one tour. Our parents died when I was fourteen, so he came home to raise me. He’s mentioned wanting to meet you, too. I was going to suggest it once I’d proven myself more.”
“Set it up,” Hex says.
Jack grins before pulling out his phone and heading back outside. He passes Pirate, who is on his way in.
“I checked the perimeter and found the weak spot. This asshole jerry rigged the system to create a hole. I patched it up. Unless he checks, he won’t be able to tell that I removed it. The alarm’s silent.”
“Whoever this guy is has balls, we could have stumbled on him here,” I say.
“I’ll be happy to detach those balls,” Abra says. “I want to catch this guy and show him how much I dislike being spied upon. It’s been too long since I had a guest in the Shed. The last guy was Mikel, and he escaped before I had some fun. That won’t happen with this asshole.”
“If he triggers the alarm, we’ll all get notified,” Pirate says.
“Sounds good. Let’s get back to the clubhouse. Levi and Jack can stand guard while we have Church. Pirate, move the equipment into the clubhouse. No reason for this guy to get his hands on it. I want to know how much he’s recorded and how much he may know.”
We follow the women back to the clubhouse while Jack and Levi shimmy up trees to keep watch while remaining out of sight.
The common room is empty, except for Zip and Lake, who are sitting at the bar. There is no sign of the girls, even though they beat us back. The space behind the bar is empty.
“Grab some beers. We’re having Church.” Hex tells Zip, who hops behind the bar to grab six beers.
“Where’s Irish?” I ask as I take the beer Zip offers me and another one for Hex.
“He’s on a mission for Nora. I sent him to go pick up the greenhouse kits that she wants to use in the garden,” Hex says. “He won’t be back until late. Had to go to Shreveport to get them.”
We file into the Chapel and take our seats. I allow myself a few seconds to appreciate that not only am I still invited to sit at this table, but I’m still sitting to the right of Hex as his VP. The burn on my chest reminds me of how close I came to losing everything. It’s also a reminder that I can’t screw up again. From now on, I have one allegiance, the club. No more secrets. Not from the club or from Delphine.
Hex starts the meeting by filling in Zip and Lake on what we found in the abandoned building.
“What were the girls doing out there?” Lake asks.
“We can ask them later,” Hex says. “In the meantime, we need to discuss how we’re going to capture the asshole who has been spying on us. Pirate has fixed the hole in our security, but I want two guards in place to catch him when he comes back.”
“You’re certain he’ll be back?” Zip asks.
“Pretty certain. If he wants to get the recordings he made,” Pirate says. “He has the equipment setup to record to this laptop. There is only a day’s worth of recordings on here. So, either he’s been coming back here to grab the latest and delete them, or he’s only been spying on us for a day. I need to check if I can find any deleted files to know for certain.”
“So, it’s possible he has nothing on us?” I ask.
“It’s possible,” Pirate agrees.
“We can’t count on it. I want to get my hands on him,” Hex says.
“Any idea who’s been watching us?” Lake asks. “Not very many people know of our location.”