Page 34 of Dixie's Dilemma
“Two people switching jobs and then abandoning them is odd. But, I know little about the medical profession. Do people move from hospital to hospital very often?”
“It happens. People change jobs when another hospital has an open position in a preferred field. I’ve seen people transfer when they have a problem with a coworker or if they want to work closer to home. But, I don’t know anyone who abandons a job without giving notice. That’s a sure way to get black-balled from other positions.”
“We can give their names to Pirate and he can check into them. Maybe Tulane isn’t very good at administration,” I suggest.
Olivia nods. “Thank you. I’m going to make a few more calls.”
I stand and head into the kitchen to help Nora, leaving Sasha and Shayna with Olivia. The men come into the common room just as we finish bringing out all the food. We all sit down to eat.
“Pirate, Olivia is searching for two friends of hers and could use your help. They’ve both disappeared, and she wants to see if you could find them,” I say.
“Disappeared?” Pirate asks.
Olivia explains about her attempt to call both these women and the information she got from the person she talked to at the hospital about each of them.
“They could have just transferred to different hospitals,” Pirate suggests.
“That’s why we would like you to search for them,” I chime in.
“Okay, give me their names and I’ll run a search,” Pirate offers.
Olivia provides the names as I return to eating my beef stew.
“What were you guys doing by the old slave quarters?” Dixie asks.
“I was exploring,” Shayna explains. “You know we could renovate those buildings?”
“We didn’t explore the other building. You think it’s salvageable?” Hex asks.
“Definitely. We’ll need to strip the building down to its bones and then rebuild so we can add in wiring and plumbing. But we can reuse the timber. It’s a wonderful space with potential.”
“What would we use it for?” Dixie asks. “Apartments?”
“Or guest rooms,” Shayna says. “Delphine mentioned you wanting more rooms to accommodate visitors from other chapters.”
“The building is close enough to be convenient for guests,” Sasha adds.
“Would we use the entire space for rooms?” Hex asks. “Because I was thinking we could create a second clubhouse.”
“Why do we need two clubhouses? Zip asks with a chuckle. “We barely have enough men to fill this one.”
“Yeah, we need more members. But I was thinking of when other chapters visit. I’ve been to other clubhouses and most of them are not what I’d call family friendly. I want kids one day,” he says, squeezing Cleo’s waist. “I don’t like the idea of my kid exposed to live porn. Having a second clubhouse where the brothers can hold their hard-core parties makes sense.”
Dixie nods in agreement. “I like that idea. I know the last time I was in the Chicago chapter, I didn’t know what I’d see when I came downstairs. Old Ladies and their kids one day and an orgy the next.”
“That’s a good idea,” Delphine chimes in.
“We’ve had several clubs asking about coming down for a visit, but we don’t have anywhere to put them. Plus, I’ve seen the way some of those guys party, and I’m not sure I’m ready to see Chrome’s white ass as he fucks one of the Kutte Bunnies,” Abra says with a chuckle.
I see Hex eyeing Shayna and Sasha, and know he’s worried about exposing them to the brothers from other chapters. Having a separate clubhouse would mitigate that problem. Plus, if he wants to grow his club, he’ll need a space for guys not looking to settle down to get as rowdy as they want.
“The biggest problem is finding someone to do the work,” Shayna says. “We can clean the building and maybe do some of the demo work, but we’ll need help with everything else.”
“We might have someone we can call,” Hex says. He explains about Jack’s brother and how he owns a construction company. “Jack’s setting up a meeting between us. He thinks a few of the men might be interested in joining the club.”
“That’s good,” I say. “You need more men. It would be nice to have a full clubhouse.”
“Do you think I can help?” Shayna asks Hex.