Page 17 of Finding Teagan
"Rowena!" Oct admonished.
"May the odds forever be in your favor," she yelled after Luca as he left. Luca punched the coordinates into his car's GPS and started to drive. He was only fifteen minutes away from Teagan's location. He hoped she had stayed put and gotten into the car like Octavius had instructed her. Snow started to fall from the sky. The temperatures were dropping quickly, and the roads would freeze over soon. What was she thinking? His palm itched for the umpteenth time to spank her beautiful, round butt.
There was something incredible about Teagan. She challenged him in a way no other woman ever had. He had his share of relationships and play partners at Deviance, the local BDSM club, but none of them had turned him on the way Tea did. Her intelligence was a breath of fresh air; her feisty nature gave him a run for his money. He didn't expect to be knocked off kilter by a woman with his best friend's wife's face, but here he was. They might be identical, but their personalities couldn't be more different. Their curves weren't the same, either. Evie was leaner than Ro and Teagan. Teagan was by far the most fit.
The snow was falling heavier now as Luca turned onto the road that Teagan should be on. He scanned the road for the hazards but saw nothing. Slowing to barely moving, Luca rolled down the window and looked for the car. A movement in his peripheral vision caught his attention.
"Teagan Anne!" he bellowed out the window.
"Luca?" He heard the confusion in her voice as she walked up to the car. Putting the car in park, he jumped out, sliding just a bit on the now slick ground.
"What are you doing? I heard both Oct and Ro tell you to get in the car and turn your hazards on."
"Why are you here? I thought Oct was coming."
"I have to drive this way to get home anyway, so I volunteered to come get you." He reached out and took her hands. "Your hands are like ice. Get in the car." Luca couldn't help himself; he swatted her butt sharply once.
"You booped me!" she squeaked as she hurried around the car and climbed in the passenger side, waving her hand over the vent to defrost her fingers.
Back in the car, Luca turned to her, shooting her his best dominant look. "You have some explaining to do, darlin'.
"Explaining?" She turned toward him, blinking hard and fast. Snowflakes were melting on her eyelashes, her cheeks red from the wind.
"Yes." Luca reached across Teagan, securing her seatbelt before putting on his own. The act did not go unnoticed by Teagan.
"I mean, it is pretty obvious what happened." Teagan shrugged.
"How does one run out of gas, let alone at night in December?"
"A couple of days ago, my light came on. But my car tells me how many miles I have until empty. I've been checking that. I swear, it said I had thirty miles before I left my house tonight. It's about twenty miles to Ro's house, so technically, I should have had enough gas to get to the gas station. I meant to stop at the one by the house, but I got lost in thought and forgot. Innocent mistake."
"Innocent mistake? You could have frozen to death out here. You could have been raped or murdered if the wrong person had stopped. You could have—"
"Oh, the dramatics!" Teagan said, throwing her hands in the air. "I wouldn't have frozen to death. I would have walked to the nearest building if I hadn't been able to reach someone. If I couldn't do that, I had blankets in my car. If you haven't noticed, Luca, I always have my gun on me, I'm a damn police detective. I'm not about to be a victim." Teagan swallowed the word, again, before it could roll off her lips and expose secrets she wasn't quite ready to tell him.
"What is it with police officers feeling they are invincible? You aren't invincible. Police officers die every day, darlin'." Luca pulled his car to a stop behind hers, putting on the blinkers.
"Grab everything you need from the car for the night. We'll come back for it tomorrow. I'll take you home and bring you back. It's too late, and the temperatures are falling too quickly to come back tonight."
"You don't need to bring me back. I can figure that part out in the morning," she muttered, getting out of the car. She heard his, "stubborn woman" trail after her as she finished grabbing the few personal items she kept in the car. She was back in Luca's car in a matter of seconds.
They drove in silence for a few minutes, and then Luca spoke again.
"What is this I hear about your cell phone being dead?"
"God, you are on a roll tonight, aren't you?" Teagan rolled her eyes.
"That disrespect isn't helping your case any."
"I didn't know I was on trial."
"Why was your cellphone dead, Teagan Anne?"
"I left the charger at work. Really, it is Ro and Evie's fault. Before I found them, I barely ever received any texts or used my phone much. I only have the one charger, and I only needed to charge my phone once a day. Now, they blow my phone up so much, I find I have to charge it more. I brought the charger to work today because I forgot to charge my phone last night."
"You forgot to put your phone on the charger?" Luca asked incredulously.
"Yes? Why is that so hard to believe?"