Page 29 of Finding Teagan
Chapter 9
"It should be a relatively quiet night tonight," Octavius said. "We've got a team on Montgomery and Evie as they dine at the senator's house. The senator's security has that mostly covered. We have another team at his house. Otherwise, when we get this paperwork done, we can head home ourselves. I have a triplet who will be writing lines until we get off work."
"It might be a quiet night at work, but it is never a quiet night with the girls, is it?" Luca asked.
"Not with these three," Octavius confirmed. "How is it going with Teagan?"
"Slow, too fucking slow," Luca said.
"What are you waiting for?" Octavius asked.
"The right moment? I don't know. There is something about her. Damn." Luca hated feeling vulnerable.
"She's driving you mad, isn't she?" Octavius asked.
"God, Oct, my palm has never itched to slap a woman's ass so badly in my life. Teagan is driving me up a damn wall. I could list fifteen things I would have paddled her for just this week alone. The woman doesn't know her worth and keeps putting herself in danger." Luca scrubbed his face with his hand.
"You aren't used to someone giving you a taste of your own medicine, huh, boss?" Octavius chuckled loudly.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"You were in charge of us, a leader by assignment, respected by choice. We'd follow you anywhere and lay our lives down for you. But we are conditioned to take orders, and you were trained to give them."
"Teagan is a cop; she's trained to take orders, too," Luca argued.
"She's a detective. She's pretty much on her own most of the time; her boss explained all that. Weren't you listening?"
"I heard him," Luca growled. Luca had heard every word. He had been more than impressed with the amount of respect Teagan's boss and team had for her. It was obvious her boss and coworkers loved her.
"Teagan's not used to being led. She's like you. She gives orders, doesn't like to take them."
"Well, she needs to start."
"Why?" Octavius turned away from the computer screen to look at his best friend.
"What do you mean, why?"
"You aren't her boss, Luca. You have zero authority over her. Why should she listen to you?"
"Because I love her already, and I want her, dammit. I want Teagan to be mine." Luca's eyes narrowed at the satisfied smirk on Octavius' face.
"Why don't you try telling her that and see what happens?"
"I have told her," Luca said.
"Have you? In those words?"
"Those exact words, no. But she knows how I feel. I've made it clear."
"Maybe she needs to hear those words exactly."
"Maybe she needs to feel my hand on her ass," Luca countered. "She has until tonight to decide whether or not to be with me. I let her know in no uncertain terms, if she doesn't tell me no by tonight, and she puts her life in danger again or sticks her nose where it doesn't belong, I'm going to punish her."
"Maybe," Octavius emphasized the word, mimicking the tone of the previous sentences, "she needs both." Before Luca could respond, a knock came at the door.
"What?" Luca barked, causing Octavius to raise his eyebrows.
"Hey, boss, we have a bit of a problem over at Montgomery's," Jason said, poking his head in.