Page 38 of Finding Teagan
"How do you do that?" Teagan whispered in awe.
"I've studied you, darlin', since the day I met you. I felt a connection between us. I've watched you during family events, I've paid close attention to what your mouth has said and what your face has either confirmed or denied. You'd make a terrible poker player," Luca said in way of explanation.
Teagan's neck was beginning to hurt, turned at that weird angle to see him. She pushed up on her elbows and tried to rise off of his lap. Luca pushed gently at the small of her back until she fell back on the couch.
"If I were to stop because you told me to, you would be calling the shots instead of me. In the lifestyle that is called topping from the bottom. I am not the man to allow my woman to do that. Part of my being in control and being your Daddy means I call the shots with your discipline, not you."
"Does this mean you're not done spanking me yet?"
"That is exactly what this means, darlin'." He swatted her sit spot several times in the same place. "You forgot again, Teagan Anne."
"I'm sorry, Daddy."
"I know, darlin' girl." He started again then, full force. His hand swung like an incessant metronome. Swat! Swat! Slap! Swat! Swat! Slap! Then he started talking again. The burning sensation behind her eyes grew with each word.
"It will absolutely never be okay for you to put my girl at risk." He moved his hand lower, and the pain exploded in her sit spot and upper thighs, making those beginning swats feel like love pats. The room filled with the sound of her wails, the sounds of skin meeting skin in an almost rhythmic beat, and the crackle of the fireplace.
"I am disappointed that you would make such an irresponsible decision. In the future, I expect you to come to me with problems, and we will work them out together. At no time, will that solution include putting my woman's life in any form of danger. You are damn lucky this is your first spanking, Teagan. If it wasn't, you'd be tasting my belt right now. The next time you put my girl in danger, you will be tasting it," Luca scolded, increasing the speed, moving even lower on her thighs.
She was sure that every inch of her from her lower back to the top of her knees would be red. The dam broke, and tears spilled out from Teagan's eyes. She sobbed, almost silently, her body shaking as each swat seared her flesh with renewed pain. She collapsed then, her body like Jello, over his knees. All she could do was feel. She couldn't think. She couldn't move. It was just too much. She didn't like to feel. She didn't allow herself to feel. Half of what she didn't allow herself to do, she found herself doing ever since meeting Luca.
"It's over now, darlin'." Luca rubbed her back and helped her sit, moving her so her searing butt wasn't meeting the roughness of his jeans.
Teagan laid her head on his shoulder and allowed herself to be comforted by the same hands that had just lit her butt up with pain. She dried her eyes and tried to hide the fact she had been crying from him.
"It's okay to cry in front of me, darlin'."
"I-I… don't cry in front of anyone. Well, except maybe Ro's mom. She doesn't count, though. She just makes people feel things, all sorts of things, doesn't even get our permission first," Teagan pouted.
Luca laughed. "Nice try changing the subject," he said. In one swift moment, he rose off the couch. Lifting Teagan into his arms, he carried her into his bedroom and laid her on the bed, placing her head on his pile of pillows. He chuckled at her hiss when her backside met the quilt.
"What are you doing?" Carrying her into the bedroom had been so abrupt, and in the middle of a conversation, too. Teagan was dizzy trying to figure this blasted man out.
"I'm moving us into the bedroom. It's late, and if you don't remember, we have an early meeting in the morning. We can talk in bed."
"I don't sleep naked, Lu… Daddy," she quickly corrected herself.
"What you don't do is tell your Daddy what you will or will not do. What you do is listen to your Daddy and do what he tells you to do. I'm sure that is going to be hard on you, darlin'. You have always been in charge. Not in here. Not with us. But, it will get easier over time."
"Luca, I think we need to talk about this." She sat up with a frown on her face.
"Oh?" Luca's eyebrow raised in warning at her.
"I'm not a slave. I don't obey every whim of a man. I'm familiar with a lot of dynamics, read about them. I don't want to give up full control of my life. I can't. I'm not ready, I'm not sure I will ever be ready for that."
"Teagan, I'm not asking you to do that. I am not an overly controlling Daddy. I won't tell you what to wear, where to go, what to do, or how to think as long as it is within the confines of our relationship expectations."
"I expect you to be the best version of you that you can be and to honor our relationship. This means respecting yourself and what we have, being safe and responsible. For instance, I'm not going to tell you what to wear. However, if I catch you out, and you have next to nothing on your body, it would disrespect yourself and our relationship. I'm not going to tell you what to eat, but if you don't eat regularly or start to eat too much junk food, I might put some rules in place to keep you healthy. Does all of this make sense?"
"You aren't going to tell me I have to wear a red shirt every Tuesday?"
"No. But, in here, in our bedroom, I might be a little more controlling."
Our bedroom. He called it their bedroom. Teagan's heart skipped a beat. "Like sleeping naked," she whispered.
"You jumped to naked, didn't you, darlin'? Did I mention you sleeping naked?"