Page 59 of Finding Teagan
"Fancy, it isn't a big deal that you didn't know what a white elephant exchange was. They're also called dirty Santas or Yankee swaps, none of which really scream 'Fancy' to me. Of course, you didn't know what it was, and I'm sorry. I should have explained the rules to you. It's my fault for assuming," Ro said.
Octavius shook his head. "Sunshine, you indirectly just insulted her again," he replied.
"I did?" Ro covered her mouth. "Oh, I…" The heat from her blush could have warmed the entire room.
"It's okay," Evie said, offering her sister a small smile. "You promise I didn't ruin everything?"
"No way!" Teagan held up her elephant. "I love it, Fancy. Really."
"Who has number four?" Octavius asked, picking up where they left off as if nothing had ever happened.
"I do." Jason held out the slip of paper. He looked straight at Teagan. Teagan hugged the elephant to her chest tightly.
"Don't make me shoot you," she joked.
"She has now threatened to shoot every male at this table," Ro groaned.
"You know, in this day and age, that isn't very funny, right, Tea? I mean, joking about shooting people isn't Kosher," Evie admonished.
"She says that now, when it is her man who is being threatened," Octavius responded.
"He's not my man," Evie said, her cheeks going bright pink once again.
"Just wait," Ro whispered under her breath.
"Anyway, you're a cop; do you really think it wise to make jokes about shooting people all the time?" Evie pressed Teagan.
"I'm a detective. I don't joke around anyone else, Evie. If it bothers you, I won't around you, either. I don't mean to be insensitive. Sometimes, those of us who work in these professions have a darker sense of humor. For real, if my joking about these things bothers you, I won't do it around you."
"It's fine," Evie said. Teagan could tell by the tone of her voice, it wasn't.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to open my present," Jason interrupted, holding up the odd shaped box that Luca had brought along. Unlike Teagan, Jason had no resolve with the paper and tore it to shreds. He held up a mini red axe with a wooden handle.
"An axe?" Jason inquired.
"It's a pizza cutter!" Luca exclaimed proudly, as if he had just won the prize for best white elephant present.
"It looks like I'm next," Evie said, reaching for the burlap wrapped gift. She unwrapped it so slowly, Teagan couldn't help but tease her some.
"Are you afraid Ro has gifted a scorpion or something?"
"Ha! You never know with Ro," Evie replied as she pulled out a flat sheet of what appeared to be stickers.
"They're gold temporary henna tattoos. Aren't they gorgeous?" Ro asked, searching Evie's face. Teagan watched as Evie cleared her face of all emotion, something she was sure Evie had a lot of practice doing. She obviously didn't want to disappoint her sister.
With every manner that she had been raised to show, she turned to Ro and smiled graciously. "They are very artistic. Look at all the intricate detail in these designs," Evie said diplomatically. Teagan knew there was no way that Evie would wear one. But then, Evie did something that shocked her. She opened the package and peeled off one of the small rings, placed it around her pinky finger, and held it up for Ro to see. Ro squealed with joy. It took Teagan every ounce of self-discipline not to rush around the table and hug her.
"I guess this means you are going to keep them, then," Octavius said. "This is the first year we have done this when everyone has kept their gifts and no one has taken anyone else's. I drew number six. The best number. I get to open Jason's gift and then pick from all the ones on the table." He looked slowly at each present. Each woman held hers close to her chest, glaring at him.
He made a big deal out of picking up the present and weighing it in his hand. It was a diagonal box. "It isn't a book," he said. He brought it to his face and sniffed.
"Did you just smell the present?" Evie asked, disgusted.
"He did! He smelled it!" Teagan groaned.
"If he licks it, I'm out," Evie replied.
"Just open it already, or we're going to be here all night, Bear!" Ro demanded. He listened and unwrapped it.