Page 64 of Finding Teagan
The New Year's Eve party they were attending was too fancy for Teagan. She felt incredibly out of place in her glitzy black dress and high heels. Evie had dressed both her and Ro for it, as neither had anything in their closets for the affair. One of S.E.A.L.'s more influential clients had invited Luca, Octavius, Jason and a plus one each to the high-end event. Evie couldn't get away from the political gala she was attending with Sleaze, and Jason wasn't back from vacation yet, so Ro and Teagan decided to make a double date out of it.
"I would rather be at home drinking beer and watching the ball drop on television," Teagan muttered.
"You look absolutely breathtaking," Luca said for the tenth time that evening.
"I feel like a fraud," was her reply. She tugged again at the neckline of the itchy dress.
"You feel like a fraud?" Ro asked with a laugh. "How do you think I feel?"
"I would think women would enjoy dressing up like this, kind of like a Cinderella fairy tale or something," Octavius interjected.
"I'm wearing a bra. A bra. Not just any bra, a strapless bra. Do you know how uncomfortable that is? It is digging into places I didn't know it was possible for a bra to dig into. Don't get me started on how this stupid bra pushes these suckers up. It's nearly suffocating." Ro poked him.
"You own a strapless bra? I didn't know you owned a bra with straps," Teagan teased. She just couldn't help herself.
"The less amount of clothes, the better. As for the strapless bra, Fancy didn't give me a choice," Ro replied.
"Besides having to get dressed up, this has been a magical evening, don't you think?" Luca asked.
"Did he just say magical?" Teagan turned to ask Ro. "Where'd she go?"
"Out on the balcony to get some air; let's join them." Luca took her arm and guided her out to the balcony. The crisp air was a welcomed feel on her flushed skin. The full moon sent sparkling light bouncing off the fresh snow covering the city of Portland, giving it an almost glittery appearance. Teagan was so focused on the city skyline, she had missed the scene right in front of her until she heard Luca clear his throat.
Turning back to him, she was shocked to see him on his knees in front of her.
"My life changed the moment I met you. The spunky, badass police detective, who wanted nothing more than to get a couple questions answered, tugged at my heartstrings. You didn't think you were loveable; you didn't think you were worthy. You were afraid to let go and let anyone in, but you finally took that step with me. You loved me and finally allowed me to love you. You make me a better person every day. Moving forward and allowing me to love you, despite the fear you are feeling, takes true courage. One of the things I love about you, Teagan Anne, is that you aren't a coward. I am asking you to take another step forward in our relationship. Will you make me the happiest man in the world, will you continue to fill our scrapbook for years to come and marry me, Teagan Anne Smith?" He flipped open a black ring box, revealing a perfectly cut diamond engagement ring. She looked at the ring and then at him.
"Yes, Lorenzo Joseph De Luca, I will marry you," Teagan answered, allowing him to slip the ring onto her finger. He swept her up in his arms, crushing her in his embrace, and kissing her deeply after. After he put her back on the ground, people rushed around to congratulate them.
"Looks like we are going to be brothers in more than one way," Octavius said, pounding Luca on the back.
"I videoed the entire proposal on my phone and texted it to Evie and Jason," Ro said, her voice shaking with emotion. "I am so happy for you!"
"Thank you. If there is one thing I have learned through all of this…" Teagan paused, the now familiar burning starting behind her eyes, and took a deep breath before continuing. "… if there is one thing I have learned through all of this, it is that love heals. The love of a man who adores you, puts you first in all things and respects you, and the unconditional love of family, nothing can heal heartache better."
"Everything is coming along just perfectly," Ro said. "You are engaged to Luca, and now all we have to do is free Evie from the evil clutches of Sleaze and help her into Jason's loving arms, and we will all live happily ever after."
"Are you matchmaking again, sunshine?" Octavius said as he and Luca handed the women glasses of champagne.
"Who, me? Never," Ro stated with a smile.
Ten… nine… eight… the countdown had begun in earnest around them. A New Year was just a few seconds away, and for the first time in her life, Teagan could look back, with fondness, on the year that had passed and forward to all the adventures that were to come, with hope and love.
The End