Page 32 of Mistaken Identity
“And no-one expects you to learn it all in a day. That’s why I’m not introducing you to anyone yet.” We continue down to the first floor, coming out into the foyer. “To be honest, most of the people you need to meet will come to you, because they’ll need to see Hunter. Or they’ll think they need to see him.”
“Is it my job to stop them?”
“No. It’s your job to assist him. The clue is in your job title. Although, to be fair, Hunter doesn’t require much assistance.”
“Really? That’s not what he told me.”
She smiles. “Then he was being modest.”
We wander past the reception desk, and I give Miranda a smile. Apart from Hunter and Miles Hampton, she’s the only other person I know here, so I feel I shouldn’t neglect the acquaintance. She smiles back, but Doreen moves on toward the glass-framed meeting room on the far side.
“Why is this here, if there’s a board room upstairs?” I ask and she turns, her lips twitching upwards.
“This is one of Hunter’s additions,” she says. “I can see the value of it, I guess. Clients don’t have to wander around the building, and it certainly looks good.”
There’s a slight hint of disapproval to her tone, but I get the feeling her loyalty to her boss won’t let her voice it.
She stops and turns around, glancing over my shoulder, a slight smile forming on her lips.
“Would you excuse me, just for a minute?”
I nod my head and she darts away, hurrying over to a woman who’s just come in through the main entrance. Doreen kisses her on both cheeks, and then pulls her aside, the two of them talking and the other woman shrugging her shoulders a couple of times before the stranger departs.
Doreen rushes back, her smile even wider, and a definite spring in her step.
“Well… that’s gonna make Hunter’s day.”
“What is?”
“The news I’ve just received.” She turns. “Shall we go back up to the office?”
I’ve got no idea what she’s talking about, but I follow her to the elevators, getting in with her the moment the doors open. She’s positively fizzing with excitement, although she doesn’t say anything more, and as soon as we get to the top floor, we make our way back to her office again.
Once inside, she heads straight for Hunter’s open door while I hang back. She clearly senses I’m not with her though, and turns.
“You need to come with me,” she says, frowning slightly. “Everywhere I go this week, you go with me… except the ladies’ room, obviously. It’s the only way you’re gonna learn.”
I nod my head and straighten my jacket again, then follow her into Hunter’s room, noting that she doesn’t knock… not even on the doorframe.
He’s sitting behind his desk, staring at his computer screen, but he looks up the moment we come into the room, and then stands when he sees me. He’s wearing jeans and a white button-down shirt again, and although my heart still skips a beat, just at the sight of him, the words ‘millionaire playboy’ ring around my head.
“Livia… I’m sorry. I should have come out to greet you.”
“It’s okay. Doreen’s been showing me around the building.”
He nods his head, smiling down at her. “Thank you,” he says.
“Why are you thanking me?” She sounds confused. “It’s my job.”
He pushes his fingers back through his thick, dark hair before he looks back at me again. “What did you make of it all?”
Doreen rolls her eyes. “She’ll get used to it,” she says, answering before I get the chance. “But that’s not why we came to see you.”
“Oh?” Hunter sits down again, looking up at us, his brow furrowing. “Has something happened?”
“In a manner of speaking.” Doreen moves a little closer to his desk, and I follow her, doing as she instructed, and acting like her shadow. “Do you remember last month at that sales meeting, when Preston Tucker said he thought Palmerston’s were going out of business, and I told you they weren’t…”