Page 64 of Mistaken Identity
“I guess I’m just not thinking straight.”
“Because of this morning?” He gets up, coming around to me.
“Yes.” But not in the way you think.
“Okay. As long as it’s nothing I’ve done wrong.”
“No. Of course not.”
It’s not ‘wrong’ of him to be attracted to women who are the polar opposite of me.
It’s just unfair.
He nods his head. “I don’t know what Preston wants, but he went to an important meeting this morning, so can you come back in with him and take notes?”
“Sure.” He smiles and I return the gesture, because I know that’s all it is now, and then I go out to my office again, picking up a notepad and pencil. “Hunter can see you now,” I say to Preston, and he follows me back into the room.
Hunter’s sitting behind his desk again, and Preston takes a seat opposite him. I pull the second chair closer to the window, so I’m a few feet away. I’m hoping to be unobtrusive, but I can’t help noticing how both men stare at me as I sit down, even though it means Hunter has to twist in his seat to do so.
Once I’m settled, I fully expect Hunter to turn around again, but he doesn’t. Instead, he smiles over at me. “Preston went to see Jim Nichols this morning.”
I frown. “Who’s Jim Nichols?” Is this someone I should have known about? Have I messed up?
“He’s the CEO at Ecstatic Sports.”
“The people who make fitness equipment?”
Preston laughs. “It’s good to see your PA is up to speed, boss… even if you’re behind the times.”
Hunter shakes his head, and I wonder if I’ve said the wrong thing. “It wasn’t that I didn’t know they make fitness equipment,” he says, turning to Preston. “It’s just that I remembered where they started out.”
“Making running shoes, you mean?” I blush, wishing I could remember when to speak, and when to stay silent.
“How did you know that?” Hunter looks back at me again, a smile tweaking at his lips.
I shrug my shoulders. “I thought everyone knew how their story started. It’s all over their social media pages.”
Preston laughs again. “I like her.”
Hunter turns to him, frowning slightly. “I’m sure you do. Now, tell me about your meeting with Jim Nichols.”
“It went well. He’s heard the rumors that Pemberton’s are on rocky ground and he’s definitely looking to move, out of choice, rather than necessity.”
“Here?” Hunter asks.
“He hasn’t decided yet. He wants to talk things through with his board, and I’m seeing him again on Friday.”
Hunter nods his head. “Okay. Is there anything we need to do in the meantime?”
“Not really. If we get the account, we’ll get everything. I know that much. But until we get it…”
“We just sit tight and wait.” Hunter finishes his sentence for him, and Preston nods his head, getting to his feet.
That seems to be all he came to say, and I wonder why Hunter asked me to sit in. There were no notes to take, although I suppose he didn’t know that.
Preston leaves, giving me a smile, and I turn to Hunter.
“This is important, isn’t it?”