Page 22 of Wicked Urge
Chance opened his arms wide, and Chan entered them quickly and happily. “How’s my girl doing?”
“I’m doing well, Chance. How are you?”
The urge to growl and slug my father was strong, but I had to remember he was her stepfather at one point, and he always favored Chan. He treated her like his own daughter, especially when she lived with him full-time, where I mostly lived with my mother.
“Abel.” Chance curtly nodded before he sat across from us. A server already came with our drinks, but it took her only a short time to bring over my father’s bourbon. Either he’d called for it as soon as he arrived, or he’d been here a few times already.
People were murmuring and looking at my father. I wouldn’t be surprised if many were clamoring to come over and take a picture with him. It happened everywhere we went, but in places like this, we had a bit more of a reprieve. They left us alone for the most part.
Chance dived into asking Chan a million questions, and I stayed back as she charmed my father like she always did. It annoyed me to a point because shouldn’t I have a better relationship with my father? It did, however, show me how well Chan did in awkward situations and made things easier for me. I didn’t have to control my anger as much. My father didn’t hit me when Chan was around, which was a significant perk. Mostly because I didn’t know how much longer I could hold myself back. One of these days, I’d retaliate, and I feared there’d be no control on my part.
Tonight, it eased me some as the two spoke. I drank my whiskey to settle the nerves I’d never confess to as I thought about what Chan and I would do after dinner. I never showed it since it was a weak emotion, but my future rode on the outcome of this evening. My goals were ambitious, and I needed all the help and support I could muster. Not only financially but socially.
Halfway through the meal, I finished my whiskey. I lifted my hand, and the server came right over and grabbed my glass. I nursed it because I gave myself a two-drink limit tonight. However, I craved to drown out my father a bit more.
“Darling, have you picked a major and decided what you want to do after college?” He bit into his medium-rare steak—a cornerstone of his diet. I didn’t think he went a day without eating a steak. He believed it showed how far he’d come and how rich he was. He always ordered top-shelf bourbon and scotch, steaks, and ate out as much as possible to be recognized.
The places he ate at comped his meals a lot of the time, and he only had to be photographed coming and going from the restaurants, as if it were a hardship for him. He loved having his picture taken.
Chan delicately finished chewing on her food and swallowed before answering. “I haven’t, actually. I’m currently focusing on all the requirements, hoping something will interest me enough.”
Moving my arm around the back of Chan’s chair, I sat back, barely touching my food. “I’ve decided to become a prosecutor.”
Chan lifted her brow toward me, knowing I had never been specific with my father about what kind of law I was going into. Her shoulders stiffened under my arm as she questioned whether now was the right time to bring it up. Her head looked around the restaurant, wondering how many witnesses there’d be with a fight between my father and me. Chan didn’t know my father kept a lid on his viewpoints in public.
Chance stilled as he glared at me with his knife and fork in hand. As quick as the anger flashed in his eyes, my father eased off, knowing exactly where we were. Gently laying the silverware onto his plate, he lifted his glass and took a big swig. “Well, Abel, there’s time to think about that, and we’ll discuss it later. After all, entertainment law is what we have discussed since you claimed you wanted to go into pre-law. There’s money there. Remember that.”
Chance lowered his glass and cleaned his teeth with his tongue. It was as if he held back any shouting he wanted to throw my way.
“No, I’ve thought about it and am not interested in entertainment law. Plus, I already have a sizable trust fund.” I smirked at him. Knowing he had no control over that once I turned twenty-five. He couldn’t even touch it now since it came from my mother and her side of the family. They made sure my father had no access to any of my money. I was grateful they’d taken such pains to ensure I was taken care of.
“I want to work my way to becoming a Supreme Court Judge.”
Chan lowered her hand and rubbed my thigh as she curled into my side. She lifted her head and smiled. There was pride in her gaze, and it hit me deep. I never looked for validation from anyone, but in that particular moment, I caught on to why it appealed to people because it made me swim in a pool of a million bucks. I gave her a quick peck on the lips and looked at my father.
For a second, there with her pride shining on me, I’d hoped my father would display an ounce of it in my direction, but he had nothing but hatred overcoming his features.
“Seriously? Who in the hell thinks you’re good enough or smart enough to make it into the Supreme Court? You’re delusional.”
It didn’t surprise me that my father spewed his vitriol at me. Chan, however, didn’t expect it, if her jerking stiffness in my arms was anything to go by. Her mouth opened, and she was about to say something in my defense. I didn’t expect to appreciate that as much as I did because I’d never had anybody in my corner, but I didn’t want her to step in. She needed to remain innocent in my warring battles with my father.
Tightening my grip on her shoulder, I said, “Well, that’s your opinion, Father. I have big goals and expectations of myself for sure. But when have I ever not achieved exactly what I set out to do?”
My father’s angry glare left him unable to deny a single word I said.
The driver appeared next to our table and held a garment bag. “Ah, we must be going now. Father, thank you for a lovely dinner. Can’t wait for next time.”
Chance grabbed his napkin from his lap and threw it on the table. “Of course.” His gaze softened when he gave his attention to Chan. “It was lovely seeing you again, darling. I look forward to next time.”
A sad smile graced Chan’s soft lips. “Yes, it was good seeing you too.” Chan rose, and my father and I followed suit. Chance leaned in for a hug before kissing Chan’s cheek. He forced a smile as people watched us, and he lifted his hand for a shake. I obliged, playing the part as always.
“Until next time, Father.” I lowered my hand to Chan’s lower back and guided her toward the exit. Our driver followed behind me. I stopped in the waiting area, grabbed the garment bag from the driver, and handed it to Chan.
Puzzled, Chan furrowed her brows and eyed the garment bag. I pointed toward the ladies’ room. “Please change into this. It’s more suitable for where we are going next.”
“Okay.” Chan elongated the word as she stepped away, confused about the reason for the dress change.
The driver returned to the limo while I waited for my girl to rejoin me. My father hadn’t left the dining room yet, so I figured the moment we stepped away he’d been mobbed by the many ladies that had been eyeing him while we were eating, and he was charming them mercilessly.