Page 24 of Wicked Urge
My cell rang in my clutch, and I went to answer, shocked to read my mother’s name on the caller ID. We hadn’t spoken since I graduated from high school. Even then, it was a quick call saying congratulations and that she had a motel room reserved for me to stay for a couple of weeks until I got my feet under me.
There had still been two full months before I moved into my dorm at Malum Academy. I used as much of my savings as I dared to stay in the motel for an extra week before I stayed at a hostel and then a women’s homeless shelter.
Steeling my shoulders, I let out a deep breath and answered. “Hello, Mother.”
Abel’s head swiveled toward mine, and his scowl had a shiver running along my spine. His hand on my thigh tightened, and I winced, knowing I’d have a fingerprint shaped bruise there. It didn’t register with him as his grip held tight.
“Chan, hello, my wonderful girl. How are you doing? I miss you.”
The words held no warmth, but it shocked me all the same when she said them. I had only to guess she was sitting next to someone she wanted to impress. She only treated me as a daughter when others were around, particularly of the rich variety.
“I’m well. What’s with the call?”
“What? Can’t a mother call her only child and check in?” My mother scoffed, and as an expert in everything her, I caught onto the slur in her words. She was high.
“Of course you can call, but you never do.” I maintained my guard. I never let my mother in on what was going on in my life because she’d use any morsel of it against me or to gain sympathy from others. I preferred it when she ignored me, hence giving her nothing. If she had nothing, then there was nothing for her to stick around for.
Abel eased his hand and slowly stroked my thigh to soothe it.
“Well, I know you’re at school, and I wanted to connect and ask how it was going. That’s all. Harold and I are traveling the world, and it’s magical. None of my other no-good husbands spoiled me the way Harold does. Everything we do is first class all the way.”
Her belittling all my stepdads and acting as if she had been mistreated pissed me off.
Wanting the conversation over with, I said, “That’s great, Mother. I’m happy to hear it.”
There must’ve been a snappiness in my voice because the faux warmth coming from her evaporated quickly. “Well, I’m sorry to bother you. I mean, it’s not like you call me or anything. I thought we could have a lovely mother-daughter conversation.”
“I’ve tried to call you, but you never answer.” After being transferred to voicemail many times there was no point in trying to reach out. I was on my own and didn’t need her. She made sure of that.
“Whatever, that’s not true. Anyway, I’m calling because I want to surprise Harold with a gift for being so fabulous, but I wanted to do it with something other than his money. He’ll see what I’m spending, which won’t be a surprise. So if you could give me fifty thousand dollars, that would be enough to cover what I had in mind for him.”
Fifty thousand dollars? Was my mother insane? I coughed and smacked my hand over my chest.
“I don’t have that kind of money. I don’t have any money. What has gotten into you?”
“Oh, don’t you dare lie, missy. I’m your mother and made sure you had a roof over your head and food in your belly. The least you can do is give me a little mad money.”
Lifting my phone away from my face, I looked at the screen and wondered if this was a prank call or something. I put it back to my ear and said, “I don’t know what game you’re playing, but I’m eighteen now, and I’m done with your manipulations. Goodbye.” I hung up on her and gaped at my phone without a second thought.
“What was that about?” Abel choked out as his fist clenched in his lap.
How did she think she put a roof over my head and food in my belly? Sure, she married men who supplied that, but once they were out of the picture, so was I. What made her think I had any spare money to give? I scraped by as it was. If it weren’t for Kailey, Abel, Chance, and Richard, I wouldn’t be here or living in any sort of luxury. I’d be working in a diner and probably as a maid, too, trying to save enough to take a class at a community college.
Once again, my mother had ruined my day. The epitome of what she was best at. Not wanting to bring Abel along with me, I plastered on a smile, rubbed my hand along his thigh, and curled into his side. “Nothing. It’s my mother being my mother. Nothing to worry about.”
Abel studied me closely and knew there was more, but tonight must’ve been more important than I thought because he let it go. At least for now, because Abel’s bulldog mentality wouldn’t let go until he had his answers.
The driver pulled in front of a massive mansion where fountains made elaborate water and light displays. Young men dressed in tuxedos that would look more at home in the roaring twenties opened the car doors to escort the ladies. I took one extended hand and stepped out to look around at the elaborate decorations.
“Enjoy your evening, miss.” Abel glared at the man and snatched my hand away. I dropped my chin, trying to hide my smile. I couldn’t help thinking how Abel acted like a jealous toddler at the oddest times.
Offering his arm, I looped mine through his, and he guided me into the mansion. The whole place was decked out like it came from the set of The Great Gatsby movie. Music played in every room that came directly from the era, and women were all dressed in flapper dresses with hairstyles and makeup that matched mine. All the men wore era-specific clothing, and I wanted to bop myself on the head for not catching onto Abel’s attire. He fit in perfectly, and he never made a costume change.
Chandeliers dripped diamonds, and lights flashed as photographs were set up in several corners of the massive room. The cameras were old, most likely from the time period, and smoke filled the air from every snapped photo.
People danced and acted as if they had no care in the world. It was wild and fun. Abel shook hands with a few people while I gaped around. We worked through the rooms, and I had a double take when I glimpsed out the window. I lightly smacked at Abel’s chest. “Did you see that?”