Page 27 of Wicked Urge
“Yes, well, the president is allowing me to pledge since I lost my blood seat.” Blake’s gaze trailed over me, and an instant repulsion hit the back of my throat. A shadow of darkness lurked in his eyes, and his jaw ticked, but then he smiled, and all the menace disappeared. “I’d hoped they’d invite me. After all, I’d been training since childhood. It took them long enough to extend the damn invitation.”
Abel was furious because I figured in his mind Blake didn’t earn an invitation, but apparently, my seat originally belonged to him. Shouldn’t he have a chance to gain a spot back?
The Dartmouths gave us an uneasy smile and said they’d love to get together sometime with Abel and me. “We should meet at the country club. Do you play tennis, Chan?”
I chuckled. “No, but there’s no better time to learn.”
The couple laughed and let us know they’d reach out. Nodding their heads at Blake, they left.
“Isn’t this great? All of us here together. It’s going to be an experience.” Blake clapped his hands and rubbed them. “I better go mingle.”
Abel, Evan, and I watched Blake walk away with a pep in his step that belied his good nature. He couldn’t hide nor deny his anger with me.
Wanting to ignore everything Blake, I looked around the room, trying to spot Kailey, but I didn’t find her. “I’ll be right back. I’m going to look for Kailey.”
Abel nodded but kept his eye on Blake. If he had laser beams in his eyes, Blake would’ve been toast.
Knowing Kailey wouldn’t have left me without a good reason, I thought she probably went to the bathroom. I made my way there, and when I opened the door, I entered a lounge where women could powder their noses and sit and relax. Luxury couches, massive gold-framed mirrors, and stools filled the room. A couple of ladies sat and chatted as one woman massaged her feet.
“Hello.” I shyly smiled, and they greeted me.
I went to the bathroom and knocked on the door, but nobody answered.
“Hello? Is anybody in there? Kailey?”
“Excuse me, did you see a tall blonde in a red flapper dress and a red orchid in her hair go into the bathroom?”
“No, I’m sorry. We came in, and the door was already closed. We just sat down to rest our feet.”
“Okay, thank you.” My gut told me something was wrong, and nobody answered, so I tested the knob, and it spun easily. I opened the door. “Hello. I’m sorry to intrude, but nobody’s answering me.”
As the door fully opened, Kailey appeared sprawled on the floor. I ran and shook her, and she moaned and smacked at my hand. “Kailey, what happened? Are you okay?”
Kailey moaned and rumbled, but nothing happened. I grabbed my cell and called Abel.
“Really, baby? I didn’t go anywhere. You couldn’t have lost me.”
“Abel. It’s Kailey,” I blubbered into the phone as loud footsteps echoed through the phone. Before long, Abel and Evan ran into the bathroom and looked at Kailey lying on the floor.
Abel checked her over, and Evan helped her up.
“Should we take her to the hospital?” I cried.
“Let’s get her to campus, and we’ll call the doctor to meet us there.”
Abel effortlessly swooped Kailey into his arms while Evan held my arm as I cried behind them.
The whole ride back to campus, I curled around Kailey in the back of the limo. Evan and Abel whispered, and the word roofied popped up a couple of times. Relieved to be the one who found her and not the person who did it to her, I held her close, afraid of all the horrific possibilities.
The panic over my friend being hurt had me discombobulated, and I wanted to get her somewhere safe.
Chapter 9
For the rest of the weekend, I didn’t get too far away from Kailey. Monday morning, Kailey finally kicked me out of her room and told me she was fine. The campus doctor checked her over, but Kailey wanted everything to disappear since nothing catastrophic had happened. She wanted to be left alone to sleep.