Page 36 of Wicked Urge
It took a moment for their advice to sink in because it was never possible before. My life had been based on survival up until recently. I had no extra talents, hobbies, or passions because I couldn’t afford them financially or with my time. The endless possibilities offered were headache-inducing. There was far too much to think about.
“Well, I’ve always been good at school and liked it.” I liked it because it freed me from my home life, but I kept my mouth shut. “I could do something in education.”
Evan said, “You could get on with an education board or run scholarship foundations.”
The laughter poured out before I stopped it. “Really? They look down on scholarship kids.”
Ella winced and added. “They do that here, but everyone deserves an education. You won’t run a program like that. After all, this place was built on relationships and building a future for all the leaders to come up in the world.”
“Yeah, leaders of a certain stock.” Evan huffed, and it was the first time I caught onto a viewpoint of distaste from him for the way this school was set up. Ella picked up on it, too, and seemed pleased if her smile was anything to go by.
Very self-aware, I didn’t mold into the stock of what this school usually supported. After all, they treated me like shit a few weeks ago, and now because I was Abel’s girlfriend, things changed. The people were far too two-faced, power-hungry, and greedy. I never wanted to be a part of this world, but now I had fallen in love with one of its elite leaders. It turned out to be a world I’d have to navigate or drown in.
The thought upset me, so I changed the topic to lighter, more fun conversations. The Halloween events the school and Greek Row hosted were bound to be fun and over-the-top events I wanted to experience. I only had costumes when I lived with Richard, Blake’s dad, and Chance, Abel’s dad. All my other stepfathers didn’t treat Halloween as more than a business function, and my mother went along with whatever husband she had at the time. I was excited to experience the holiday with Abel and enjoy what we’d do with costumes.
Blake approached us out of the corner of my eye, and my body naturally jerked into a defensive stance. Ella and Evan caught it and turned toward Blake.
“Chan, can I speak with you for a moment?”
Abel still hadn’t returned and spotting him proved difficult. Evan and Ella eyed Blake but didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to go with him, but we needed to talk, and at least we weren’t in a private room. After last time, I didn’t want to be alone in a room with him if possible.
“Please.” He sounded like my friend for the moment, but he wouldn’t fool me this time. I wasn’t going to fall for it again.
“All right, let’s step outside.” I turned to Ella and Evan. “If Abel asks, will you tell him I went outside for a moment?”
“Sure,” they both said but didn’t appear happy about it. I gave them a small smile and headed with Blake. There were people outside, so I relaxed enough not to look so tense, but we went off a little to the side so nobody overheard anything. It was the last thing I wanted because it’d get back to Abel. I wanted to smack myself for not telling him what Blake did because now too much time had passed, what would he think? That I liked it? That I wanted it? Because none of it was true, but Abel would spin it however he wanted to.
“Chan, I’m so sorry, and I apologize for my actions the other day. I’m just frustrated, and I want you. You’re all I can think about. I care for you and hate seeing you with someone who mistreats you. Who’s always mistreated you.”
An intense defense mode rose within me, and I shook my head. I couldn’t believe I had one ex-stepbrother interested in me, but two? How ridiculous. “You don’t know what you’re talking about. He doesn’t mistreat me. He’s good to me now. We’ve worked through it, and he’s different. He makes me happy.”
Blake ran his hand through his hair, and his hands shook. With it dark out, I couldn’t get a good look at his eyes, but something appeared off with him. “Come on, you can’t possibly believe that. He’s not different. It’s only a show for now. He has you in his web. Abel’s a calculating, manipulative son-of-a-bitch, and he’s controlling you. You don’t know how toxic your relationship with him really is. On some level, you’ve got to know it’s true.”
Heat boiled beneath my skin. Whether from anger or fear, I held onto it, knowing Abel was calculating, manipulative, and controlling and if he turned on me, I’d be crushed. Blake’s mentioning it only fanned the flames, but I didn’t want to listen.
As a previously strong, independent, willful, albeit shy girl, I didn’t believe myself to be the same anymore. I stressed about my fears and how they backed me into a safe space, allowing myself to be controlled for safety. However, even when he was the most controlling and angry, I used my voice, and Abel had changed. Maybe not to the outside world, but between us he did. He made me feel adored. Our fights hadn’t been drastic lately, and he treated me well. I envisioned it only getting better.
Blake tried to manipulate me away from Abel for his own pleasures, which disgusted me.
“Come on, he’s humiliated you time and time again. He wrote your name and number on the fucking building, forcing you to get a new number. He had you flocked in front of strangers. He repeatedly belittled you in front of his followers, yet here you are, defending him.”
This time, my hands shook. I’d never been so angry and upset rolled into one before. I didn’t know what to do. To yell or to cry, but the emotions raged inside, and I wanted them out.
“Stop it. You don’t know what you’re talking about. He may have done those things, but I’m past them. I’m happy. Why won’t you be happy for me? Abel treats me well. Sure, he has an attitude, but everything he’s doing is improving my life, and he’s stepped up for me. He thinks of me and makes sure I’m taken care of.” I invaded Blake’s space and poked my finger into his chest as I laid it all out for him. I wanted to make sure he heard me loud and clear. “You don’t know me very well, Blake. You haven’t known me since I was a child. Abel has gotten to know me now, and he’s sweet, loving, and caring, and I want him and only him. I’ll always want him and only him, so you need to stop this because it has to end. There’ll never be a chance between us. Never.” Not wanting to waste another second with him, I turned to walk into the house, and Abel stood behind me a couple of feet away, glaring at Blake.
“If you try any of this shit again, I’ll end the argument, and bloodshed will happen. Don’t tempt me. You better watch yourself.”
I stood frozen as my eyes bugged out of my head and wondered what exactly Abel heard.
Blake stepped forward, and Abel narrowed his gaze and set his jaw tight. His fists clenched at his side, and he was ready for Blake. I didn’t want them to fight, so I stepped in but didn’t have to because Blake backed down. He shook his head and left; I didn’t watch where he was headed. I only kept my eyes on Abel.
Abel came over and wrapped his arm around me. “Let’s go inside, say some goodbyes, and I’ll take you to your dorm.”
Relieved I didn’t have to stay longer, I nodded and let him guide me into the house. Abel didn’t let his hold loosen from me as we let Ella, Kailey, and Evan know we were leaving. Ella looked curious but didn’t ask what happened, which I was grateful for. Kailey didn’t know what had happened, so she thought Abel and I wanted some alone time because she smirked and wiggled her brows.
Abel loaded me into his car so we didn’t have to walk across campus or be stuck with a golf cart taxi driver. We drove in silence and nerves had me fiddling with my fingers, waiting for Abel to say something, anything, but nothing. We made it to the parking lot outside my building, and instead of stopping at the front door to drop me off, Abel parked and asked if he could come up with me.
Giving him a double take, I peered at him. He’d never asked before. He always did what he wanted. “Of course.” I exited the car, and Abel met me and laced our hands together as we headed upstairs.