Page 41 of Wicked Urge
Closing my eyes for a second, I opened them, stared at the man’s dark eyes, and nodded with resolve.
Blake didn’t second-guess any of it. We were dismissed once we confirmed we were in, and the meeting adjourned. I grabbed Chan and hightailed it out of there. I had to come to terms with what I’d agreed to.
Chan followed behind and didn’t utter a word as I followed the lights guiding us out of the underground meeting hall. When we stepped outside, I turned toward Chan only to find Blake leaning by Chan’s ear with a smirk on his face. He whispered something, and I only caught something about an SD card.
Chan stuttered, “What are you talking about?” Her face went white as a ghost, and she shook from being rattled by the prick.
Blake upsetting Chan sent me over the edge, and I didn’t wait for the guys. I let go of Chan’s hand and punched Blake in the face. The first punch led to another, and the next thing I knew, Blake and I were all out brawling.
Blake got a couple of good licks in, but he had nothing on me and my rage. In my mind, I protected Chan, and that alone gave me enough adrenaline to annihilate anybody in my way. Still, the years of abuse from my father, anger issues constantly simmering beneath the surface, and my genuine hatred toward Blake made it so the guy never stood a chance.
After several rounds of punches, Blake lost his balance and fell back. I landed on him and repeatedly punched him, and Blake stopped defending himself. It snapped me out of my inferno enough to realize if I kept it up, I’d kill the asshole, and I didn’t need more on my plate right now.
Heaving, I stood and staggered until I got my feet underneath me and looked at Blake as he groaned on the ground. I looked around, and Chan had left. She probably couldn’t handle the fight. Needing to go after her, I turned when I caught sight of something that had fallen out of Blake’s pocket, and it lay beside him.
I moved in closer, and the small square was an SD card. Mine from that night, and it took everything in me not to kill Blake for having it. I had my girl’s ass to paint red. She fucking knew and didn’t say anything. Fuck.
Stomping off, I went to find Chan to have a talk with her. I made it out of the maze when the guys who were going to jump Blake showed up.
“Don’t worry about him. I took care of it myself.”
The guys nodded.
“Have you seen Chan?”
“No, she’s supposed to be with you.”
“I’ve been here the whole time, and she didn’t come out.”
Fuck. Where the hell was she?
“She must still be in the maze. Help me look for her, and one of you grab Blake.”
The four of us entered, and I ran through the maze. “Chan? Babe. Where are you?” The anger lived like a wildfire in my chest, but ensuring her safety was my top priority. I went all the wrong ways because the maze opened and closed at the same place, so she hadn’t left the labyrinth.
Heavy breaths and sniffling had me turning around and following the sound. Chan paced in a circle at a dead end, her mascara streaked on her cheeks and her hair tangled and messed up from her tearing off the stupid mask. She cried and struggled for breath.
“Breathe, babe. I found you.”
Chan’s eyes widened like saucers, and she pushed on a wall. She wasn’t having a panic attack but was on the brink of one, and I had to fix it fast. I moved one of the walls of hay bales and guided Chan through it. “We’re out of there, baby. It’s okay.” I picked her up and started marching us toward her dorm because we were now closer to there than my place.
“Shhh. It’s okay. We’ll get you calmed down.” My jaw clenched as I wanted to yell at her because why would she act the way she did about an SD card when Blake clearly had mine?
Growling, I pulled her closer, and she wiggled in my arms, and it wasn’t helping, so I held on tighter.
“Stop talking.” My voice held a sharp edge and demanded compliance. She glared as she tried to get the crying under control.
I needed a moment to think everything through because I was furious. What did she know?
Chapter 13