Page 49 of Wicked Urge
If ever there was a slack-jaw moment, it was then. I didn’t disappoint as I wandered backward and plopped in the seat. Shocked into speechlessness, I remained quiet.
Richard moved a little in his bed and said, “I figured this would be shocking to you, but I’ve kept tabs on you, and you’ve done so well for yourself with how little you had. You amaze me, Chantilla. I’m in awe of you, and I want the rest of your life to be one you desire.”
“When?” Before saying anything, I needed to know how long he knew he was my father.
“I’m sorry?”
“When did you know you were my father?”
Richard sighed and shook his head. He didn’t want to say but would tell me the truth. It was in his eyes, and I appreciated it. “When you were sixteen, your mother came, trying to blackmail me for a lot of money. I paid her off on the condition she stayed away from you. I took care of everything, and then Chance Hartford stepped in and paid for your education. I was happy, though, that your mother stayed away. I had planned to tell you on your eighteenth birthday, but I got sick, and there was never a good time. Now, time is running out.”
The sadness in his voice had me running to his side and grabbing his hands.
“Sweetheart, I’m so sorry I didn’t find a way to tell you sooner. It’s my biggest regret. All the time we missed out on, I could’ve watched you grow up and prevented all the hardships you endured. If I could’ve spared you any of it, I would have. I should’ve known you were mine from the moment I met you because I was always drawn to you. You were the sweetest little girl who became enthralled with anything crossing your path. I always wanted to be your dad. I was over the moon when I found out, but it felt too late. I hated how late it was.”
The tears gushed as I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him as best as possible. He pulled me in tight, as tight as his strength allowed, and held me close as he mumbled repeatedly how sorry he was.
“Stop it. You don’t have anything to be sorry about. I understand. I don’t blame you for any of it.” I grabbed both of us tissues.
“That’s sweet of you to say, but it’s true. I messed this up and will regret it until my last breath.”
Keeping his hand in mind, I sat on the bed, and we sat quietly for a while. It was so much to take in, and I needed the downtime to absorb it all.
“What about Blake? It makes sense now what he has been saying.”
“What has he been saying?”
The details weren’t explicit, but I told Richard about Blake’s pledging and how he told me he’d get his inheritance back. At least now I understood what he was talking about.
Richard patted my hand. “You don’t have to worry about Blake. I’ll handle him. I’m not dead yet.”
“Don’t say that.” I gasped.
“Sweetheart, it’s the situation we’re in. I want to get to know you better, as much as you will allow, before I die. Is it something you’d be interested in?”
Without a doubt in my mind. “Of course. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. There’s so much to catch up on. I don’t want to waste time.”
“You’ve made an old man so happy.”
“You made me very happy.” I gave him another hug and held him close.
We spent the next forty minutes or so chatting about little things. Stuff a father and daughter would know about each other, but Richard started fading fast and needed to rest.
I kissed his cheek. “I’m going to get going and let you get some rest. I’ll call and come over as soon as I can. Please call me if you need anything or want to talk.”
“I will, my sweet girl. Talk soon.”
After saying goodbye to the staff and Chase, I left the mansion conflicted. Happiness at finding out my father was a man I had always adored, and sad about how little time we had together.
The Corvette eased through the traffic as I laid my foot on the pedal, and I tried to think of what I’d tell people and decided I wasn’t going to say anything. I wanted this kept to myself for a while. It also didn’t help that I didn’t trust any of it to be true. Plus, he could change his will before he passed, so why get my hopes up?
The thought made me sick to my stomach. Why did I think like that? I’d rather create the bond I missed out on. Sure, the money would be great, but I’d always lacked it, so it wasn’t a huge loss when it wasn’t something I never had before.
The drive to campus happened in record time. I came directly back and didn’t take the long way. After spending time with my father, I was drained. Many emotions whirled around in my head, making me tired.
As soon as I opened the door to my suite, Abel stood from the couch, and Ella sat in the chair reading one of her textbooks. I didn’t have it in me to deal with Abel’s moods, so I returned Ella’s keys to her, thanking her for letting me borrow her car, and stalked into my bedroom.
Abel followed and, not too quietly, said, “Seriously? You’re not going to say anything to me? Why are you being so disobedient?” Abel shut the door, and I rolled my eyes and changed into something comfortable.