Page 51 of Wicked Urge
“You have no idea. My philosophy professor is tough, and I’m already struggling in his class. I’m praying I infused enough into my brain to at least get a C.”
The waitress came over and asked for Kailey’s order, and she doubled down on breakfast. Abel and I eyed each other, trying not to laugh. She obviously stress ate.
The morning turned out to be good until Blake walked in and grabbed food to go.
Blake glanced over at our table, and luckily, Abel hadn’t noticed him. Blake looked like a walking punching bag, and I didn’t hold out much sympathy for him. When I looked at him now, my skin crawled, knowing my brother had kissed me and had been hitting on me. The only big question was, did he know we were siblings?
Ridiculous. Of course, he didn’t know. He’d act entirely differently toward me if he knew our connection. I needed to talk to Richard. No, I needed to speak to my father about telling Blake who I was.
My father. I had a father, one who wanted to be in my life. Something I had always dreamed about and there it was. I wanted to be able to call him dad instead of his name.
Blake stomped out of the dining hall, catching Abel’s attention. He glared at Blake’s retreating form through the windows, mumbling something I didn’t catch, and decided to let it go. Too many other thoughts were roaming in my head, and I didn’t want to discuss Blake and our connection.
When Abel found out, he’d flip his lid. I couldn’t deny he’d find out eventually, but maybe if there were some distance between me and Blake, Abel would have the time to decompress and not kill him.
The whole day was all about exams and ensuring I did my best to pass, preferably with high marks. Luckily, I prepared as much as possible. I sailed through the three exams I had to take and my mind didn’t wander to anything unsavory.
Later, Abel picked me up and headed toward the society meeting. He was a little surprised I had gotten an invitation but didn’t say anything further about it. I wanted to ask what the issue was, but I let it go. He’d tell me when he wanted to, but I suspected that he liked being the one to have things arranged and ready. His controlling nature craved it.
The meeting started with a recap from the last session, and I wanted to chuckle at how they took their Skull and Bones seriously. Last I checked, it was a secret society not a board meeting.
When they got to the part about funds and what was needed for mergers, the amounts had gone into the billions of dollars. The numbers slapped me into reality at how influential and life-altering the society was. I had to make sure to remember that.
“Chan, as a new blood seat who’ll occupy the voting seat soon, we’re curious about your plans. What do you have in mind?” The leader of the meeting asked.
Shocked at the attention focused on me, I scanned the room. Blake glared directly at me and with the dark bruising around his face, it gave a menacing look that had me swiveling my head away fast.
“Well, I’ve been thinking about an overall plan more than the specifics.” At least in the past twenty-four hours, I’d been thinking about it with everything else. “I’m considering going into finance and real estate. Focus more on affordable housing.” This society had done its damage and would continue in the same fashion, but I didn’t have to let it consume me. My plans could benefit the world and still make a few bucks. Plus, with Abel’s programs, they’d work hand in hand. It’d be a good move for his platform if our ambitions aligned because who was I kidding? I would never leave Abel. He angered me and pushed me to want to go sometimes, but I never had someone I wanted so badly. I wasn’t bound to walk away now.
“There are other plans I’ve been hashing out to diversify, but it’d be a good start there.”
Abel sat beside me with his arm resting on the back of my chair. I glanced at him a few times while explaining everything because he hadn’t heard anything about it before. His face remained impassive, and his thoughts didn’t show.
The lack of feedback from him didn’t help my nerves as I explained my plans to my audience.
“Chan, that sounds like a great start. We’re all here if you need help or want to bounce ideas around. There are a lot of programs that would commingle well with yours. If they worked together, it’ll boost your business and offer a larger expansion.”
I nodded and thanked him as I sat further in my seat, avoiding Abel’s gaze even though his eyes penetrated my skin. He watched me closely.
The meeting lasted about twenty minutes longer and then was dismissed. Abel grabbed my hand and led me out of the room quickly. Kailey and I waved at each other as she watched Abel hauling me out of there with a smirk. Seriously? Did the girl think we only ever got it on?
To be fair, we had a lot of fun, but it wasn’t as much as she believed it to be. If it were the case, I would never be able to walk.
Once we were distant from the others, Abel slowed and walked beside me still gripping my hand, but the hold was gentle. Simply a boyfriend holding the hand of his girlfriend.
“Babe, when did you figure all that out?” The tone in his voice sounded impressed, and it rubbed me the wrong way.
Why didn’t he think I could develop something on my own? I was smart. He said so himself, so why be surprised when I came up with an intelligent idea?
Without thinking, I snapped at him. “Barbie does have a brain, you know.”
Abel laughed, pulled me to his side, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. “And it’s hot as fuck.” He dropped his gaze from my face to my feet and whistled.
The ever-present blush he induced came out full force as usual, as his gaze darkened and my pussy clenched.
“It’s fine for you to play your games. It keeps me on my toes.” Abel stopped and stood before me, lifting my chin with his finger, cupping my jaw, and holding me in place. “But if you plan to fuck me over, it won’t work, and I’ll cage you so fast prison will look like a vacation.”
Abel dropped his head and kissed me hard. Our teeth hit against each other, but it didn’t slow or stop him. He lifted his head and licked his lips.