Page 54 of Wicked Urge
As we snuck out of the gated community, I only thought how relieved it made me that Chan inherited a blood seat and didn’t have to do any of this. I’d lose my fucking mind if she had to be in such a situation. Anything could happen, and I’d be damned if she had to do something to jeopardize her life.
It didn’t take long to get to campus and give the car keys and the recordings to one of the members as Blake and I wiped away any evidence of our presence in the car. I’d worn gloves the whole time, but I still worried about leaving anything behind. The guy nodded and didn’t say a word as he watched us, and when I found it satisfactory, he left to dispose of the vehicle. Neither Blake nor I were privy to how that would happen. We simply told them what we had in mind, and they followed through.
The society was far reaching, and had the capabilities of making anything happen which could cause serious issues if one wasn’t part of it all. I was thankful that we were able to choose the crime we had to commit and I was relieved I didn’t have to murder anybody. Unless that somebody was Blake. Then I’d volunteer for the privilege.
Chapter 17
The past week had been excellent as I got to know my father. We talked on the phone every day. I didn’t have the chance to visit him during the week of midterms, but we spoke. The only tricky part had been finding times when Abel had other places to be since I wasn’t ready to disclose my new relationship with my father to anybody yet.
It helped to keep it a secret while I worked through my feelings, wrapped my head around everything I had missed out on, and now had a chance to experience, if only for a little while. Richard answered all my questions honestly. He also told me things I wished I didn’t have to know, but he said he had so little time he didn’t want me to have unanswered questions if he could help it.
Blake had still been a thorn in my side. Abel made it very difficult for me to be alone, but it still happened. When it did, Blake always seemed to pop out of nowhere and hit on me. It made my skin crawl knowing we shared the same blood in our veins.
Telling Abel was still out of the question because I feared what he’d do, so I’d been dealing with it alone. I hadn’t mentioned it to Richard because I didn’t want anything to ruin our precious conversations. I loved learning about him and our family history. I never had any of it before. Whenever I asked my mother about our family, she told me she didn’t know or care. When I had to do family tree projects in school growing up, I had to make everything up. I hated those projects, but now, at least half of my tree had some leafy branches, which thrilled me.
This morning, I sat in the dining hall alone. Abel had to complete his portion of the society pledge late last night or early this morning and was catching up on sleep. I stayed at the frat house, and when Abel came and curled around me this morning, I looked at the clock. He had gotten in at five a.m. Relief dampened my pounding heart as I curled into him tightly and let him sleep. I’d fretted over the whole ordeal since the secret meeting, and when he let me know it was time, I tossed and turned the whole night, only getting a wink here or there. Thankfully, he didn’t make me worry longer than I had to. I hated how he had to do such a dangerous, reckless act, but he’d gotten this far. We both were so far in we were stuck.
Eating my scrambled eggs and toast, I stiffened when Blake came in and smiled as he walked over. He’d been with Abel last night, and I assumed he’d try to get some sleep but nope, here he stood with dark rings under his eyes and a more disheveled appearance. Which had been getting more and more prominent lately.
Blake had always been so put together, very preppy looking, but recently it had been slipping, and I wondered what the story was. I wasn’t going to show interest in finding out because he’d latch on and think I wanted something more when I didn’t.
“Good morning, beautiful.” Blake smiled and slipped into the open seat right next to me. I cringed and glared at him.
Should I tell him I’m his sister? Would it finally end things? However, Richard said he’d handle Blake. I needed to let him take care of his son.
“Morning.” I sipped my coffee and avoided eye contact.
“Where’s Abel? He’s usually tied to your side.”
Giving him the stink eye, I said, “He’s sleeping. After all, you two had a busy night. I thought you’d need to catch up on some rest.”
“Nah, last night was thrilling. I’m invigorated. Well, my food is ready. I’m taking it back to my room. Care to join me?”
I shivered when he took his finger and skimmed it along my arm. To make him stop, I moved away. Blake laughed and got up. “Next time, then.”
Blake’s attention had gotten bolder, making me highly uncomfortable and stuck, not knowing what to do.
My appetite vanished with Blake’s arrival, so I pushed my plate away when my phone rang. The number wasn’t one I recognized.
“Hello, is this Chantilla Montgomery?” A woman’s voice came over the line.
“Yes, this is her. Who is this?”
“Ms. Montgomery, my name is Helen, and I’m a nurse at the Regency Hospital. I found your number amongst your mother’s belongings.”
The mention of the hospital and my mother’s belongings made me rush to every worst-case scenario. The saddened voice told me the inevitable call had finally arrived, and I always knew I’d receive it one day.
“I think you should get here as soon as possible. Your mother OD’d, and I’m sorry to have to tell you this, but it isn’t looking good.”
The news stunned me as I sat, trying to take it all in. Conflicting emotions rolled inside me, and I didn’t know how to process it.
“Ms. Montgomery, are you still there?”
“Yes, I’m sorry.”