Page 110 of Cue Up
Not only was it a good question, but his wording indicated he accepted her account. That and the general effect the pleasant young man had on people softened Brenda’s tone.
“As a matter of fact there is. I’d taken water over to Suzie Q first. Can’t say if he was there or not, but his truck wasn’t where I saw it minutes later. I took the food dish she hadn’t touched from the previous day back to my cabin, emptied it into the garbage, washed out the bowl, then had to attend to some private matters.” Pink crept up the wrinkles of her neck, but she set her chin pugnaciously and said, “The toilet. I had to use the toilet. When I came out, the dish was about air-dried. I finished it off with a towel and put more food in. So, I’d say ten minutes anyhow. Could’ve been fifteen.”
Plenty of time for Randall to stash the letter behind the picture frame.
Shelton was beginning to let himself believe it was possible Randall Kenyon had planted the letter.
It wasn’t like the clouds cleared from his brow, but he could probably imagine a time when they might.
His people hadn’t missed both the nutmeg tins and the letter. Sure, they’d still missed the nutmeg tins.
And he knew I’d never forget that. Worse for him, he’d never forget it.
I found that comforting. You know, in case I got amnesia.
This shift in Shelton didn’t show in expression or posture. But he said, “We need you to come to the sheriff’s department to make an official statement.”
That meant he was ducks-in-a-rowing before he tackled Randall Kenyon.
“That can wait until tomorrow, can’t it?” Tom half-asked, half-stated.
Shelton grunted.
“If one of your people would drop Wendy off here, we’ll see that they both get back to the ranch tonight. Take the next step tomorrow,” Tom said.
Another grunt.
Shelton turned to leave.
I scrambled up to get to the door just after he’d exited.
“Good to see you, Sergeant. Good night, Sergeant. Sleep well, Sergeant.”
Richard rolled his eyes at me as he passed me in the doorway and I could feel Tom and Diana doing the same behind me.
But it was worthwhile.
Shelton growled.
Some people count their treasure in land or gold or stock or bitcoin. I hoarded a stash of remembered Shelton growls.
Diana left for her delayed family dinner.
With the external warmth of the fire and — in the case of Brenda, the internal warmth of a small whiskey Tom poured and she chugged — Brenda and Suzie Q dozed.
Tom and I held hands and our silence, sipping our drinks, watching the flames and the dogs.
Richard was back with Wendy in under half an hour. He escorted her to the door — his knock stirring the dozers — but didn’t come in with her.
Wendy looked even smaller. Shrunken almost. Her thinness no longer making me think of wiry, but fragility.
“How was it?” Brenda asked, as I escorted Wendy to the easy chair beside her.
I’m not sure even she would have asked that if she hadn’t been dozing and possibly feeling the effects of that whiskey.
“How do you think it was?” Instead of Wendy’s usual snap, that came out querulous.