Page 52 of When Swans Dance
“I’ve tried to convince him to take on a partner, but he said he can’t afford it.” She felt disloyal saying the words out loud, especially in front of his new employee, but maybe it would sway Michael to decide to stay.
“Even if that person could buy their way in?” Michael’s face held a strange expression, one she couldn’t quite interpret.
“I’m not sure what you mean.”
Toccara tilted her head as she assessed Michael. “Know someone who has that kind of capital?”
Rose’s gaze moved back and forth between the two as they had some sort of silent conversation. After a moment, Michael nodded.
“I might, but I’ll talk to Steven directly. Don’t want my new boss to think I’m doing something underhanded.”
Toccara’s face broke into a smile. “I can’t imagine anyone accusing you of that.” She bit her lip as if she couldn’t believe she’d just said that.
But Michael took it as encouragement. “Say, we’re at karaoke. What do you think about singing a duet?”
She demurred. “I don’t sing.”
“Somehow, I doubt that.” He raised his eyebrows. “But I’d love to see you prove me wrong.”
“You’re on.”
They hopped up and rushed to the stage just as Lanie and Nate returned with two trays full of drinks. As they set the trays down, Lanie turned to Rose with a quizzical expression.
“What was that about?”
“Looks like those two turned this into their first date,” Trudy said with a laugh.
“That was fast.” Lanie grinned. “Maybe Steven won’t have to worry about those DC law firms stealing Michael away after all.” She took a sip of her drink. “What else did we miss?”
“Rose was describing her and Steven’s financial situation.” Trudy leaned forward. “But I might have a solution to your problem.”
Rose frowned. “Oh?”
“What would you say to a fundraiser?”
Lanie’s eyes lit up. “Yes! That’s a great idea. We raised so much money for the school system after the one you hosted in January. I’m sure we can do the same now.”
Heart in her throat, Rose raised her hand. “Wait, I don’t want the whole town to know my business.”
“Everyone’s already heard about Steven’s accident. I don’t think anyone would be shocked to learn you’re facing other struggles.” Trudy shrugged. “Besides, after everything you’ve done for the town since you arrived, nobody would blink an eye at the idea of helping you and Steven have your dream wedding.”
Rose bit her lip. It wasn’t just about the money, though. Despite his reassurances, Steven still wasn’t taking his health seriously. The last time Rose had seen him, the dark circles under his eyes had grown more prominent.
“Come on, Rose.” Lanie bumped her shoulder. “You keep saying you want to reduce Steven’s stress. Knowing the wedding is paid for would go a long way toward doing that.”
“Don’t pressure her,” Nate said. When Rose glanced at him in surprise, he gave her a sympathetic smile. If anyone else could understand how it felt to be railroaded by a McAllister, it would be him.
“I’m not!” Lanie insisted. “I’m nudging her in the right direction.”
Nate rolled his eyes at Rose, and she giggled. She appreciated having someone else on her side for once.
“Talk to Steven,” Trudy said. “See what he thinks, and if it sounds like something you want to move forward with, let me know. I’d be happy to help with it.”
“Me too,” Lanie added.
Rose gave a noncommittal nod. It wouldn’t hurt to at least discuss it with Steven. Though she hated the idea of charity, Trudy had a point. Both Rose and Steven had done a lot since coming to Cedar Haven. She had helped with several fundraisers, and Steven had done some pro bono work for townsfolk who couldn’t afford legal assistance.
And maybe they could use some of the money raised to help Steven with his law practice. If he was willing to accept help with his business, then she could compromise and accept assistance with the wedding.