Page 78 of When Swans Dance
An image of the male swan with its leg wrapped in a splint popped into her mind. If only she could tap into the faith of his mate, she might be able to find the strength to save her relationship.
Chapter Twenty-Three
Steven stayed later than he intended at work. Lanie had been right about the influx of new clients. Whether it was because the community needed a local firm or because they knew he was in dire straits, he appreciated that they were bringing him business. And Sandra’s detailed notes from the initial client interviews she’d done made him think the new wills and estates wouldn’t be terribly taxing. Most of them were simple and could be handled without a lot of extra research or effort.
A knock sounded at his door, and he glanced up and did a double take. “Michael? What are you still doing here?”
“I need to talk to you.” Michael stared at the floor, fidgeting with his hands.
“Sure.” Steven’s stomach dropped. Something about Michael’s demeanor told Steven it wasn’t going to be good news. “Have a seat.” After waiting for what seemed like ages, Steven cleared his throat. “So, um, what can I help you with?”
Finally, Michael lifted his head. His brown eyes were wary. “I got a call today from a law firm in DC.”
“Oh?” Steven’s palms began to sweat. “What did they want?”
“To offer me a job.”
It felt like Steven’s throat was closing. He attempted to clear it, but it did no good. Is this it, then? Am I back to square one with my law practice? Michael had just begun to get into the swing of things. Steven couldn’t imagine starting over with someone new, not to mention how much time and energy interviews would take.
“And what did you say?”
“I-I told them I would give them an answer by the end of the week.” Michael ran a hand through his hair. “But I don’t want to leave here if I can help it.”
“Is there anything I can do to convince you to stay?”
“In my interview, Lanie mentioned I might be able to be brought on full-time. And I’ve heard you might be looking for a partner…”
Steven shook his head. “I’m not ready for that yet.”
Michael nodded. “I figured. It’s just, well, the DC law firm has a clear partner track, which is rare. And they have openings in areas of law I’m interested in, like environmental and small business.”
“It sounds like you’ve decided,” Steven said as his heart pounded. The news was quite literally the last thing he needed right then. Shadows swam before his eyes, and he put his head on his desk. He was vaguely aware of Michael calling his name, then everything went dark.
The next thing Steven knew, a hand was violently shaking him. As he opened his eyes, it took him a moment to realize what had happened and why he was on the floor.
“Steven! Can you hear me?” His sister’s hazel eyes, filled with worry, swam into his vision.
“Yes,” he croaked. He tried to sit up, but she pushed him back down.
“Don’t move. You might have had another heart attack. I’ve called 911, and they’re on their way.”
Another heart attack? No, it couldn’t be. He swallowed and pressed his hand to his chest. It didn’t hurt, but that might not mean anything.
“Why are you here?” he asked.
“I was on my way to pick you up when Michael called me.” She closed her eyes as if trying to shake the memory of what she’d seen from her mind. “We both called to you, but you were shaking, and then you fell on the floor.” Her eyes opened, and she grabbed his hand. “I’ve never been so scared.”
Before he could respond, someone banged on the front door. Lanie squeezed his hand again before hurrying away to let the paramedics in.
He lay there staring at the ceiling and listened as his sister quietly explained the situation. A moment later, a grim face appeared above him.
“Mr. McAllister, can you hear me?”
Steven nodded and made to sit up, but a firm hand grasped his shoulder and held him down. “Don’t move, sir, until we assess you.”
A small light shone in one of his eyes, and he grimaced but made an effort not to flinch. It felt different that time. While he didn’t remember falling to the floor, he was pretty sure he hadn’t been unconscious for nearly as long as before.
The man who’d been examining him asked a series of rapid-fire questions. It took a lot of effort to keep up, but Steven did. When the man was finished, he stepped back and held out his hand, which Steven accepted.