Page 94 of When Swans Dance
Her heart broke anew. Why can’t Steven and I have what these swans do? Why do humans have to complicate things? The female swan trusted that her mate would recover from his injury and return to her, and her reward was the swan version of a loving embrace.
But life—well, her life anyway—wasn’t like that. Swans didn’t have day jobs that kept them from their families. They didn’t have a million distractions that prevented them from truly connecting. And Rose couldn’t help feeling that swans got the better deal.
As she continued to watch, the swans placed their foreheads together and formed a heart shape with their necks. It was the perfect symbol of their devotion, and her heart longed to have a love like that again.
Ping. Rose removed her phone from her pocket and read the text message from Lanie. It contained only two words: Steven’s home.
The fact Steven hadn’t texted was a message in and of itself. It told her he wasn’t going to push her to visit, that he was giving her all the space she could possibly want.
Maybe he truly has changed. The thought gave her stomach a flutter, the first real feeling of hope she’d had in a while.
Turning her attention back to the swans, the knot that had formed in Rose’s belly the moment she’d heard of Steven’s heart attack loosened, and everything suddenly became clearer. She understood why the female swan had held onto hope her mate would return. She knew what she wanted to do, but she needed to talk to Steven first.
When Steven answered Rose’s knock, she wasn’t expecting him to stand before her on his own two feet with a cane for support. It took every ounce of control she had not to rush into his arms. He looked much improved from the last time she’d seen him.
“May I come in?” she asked.
Without saying a word, Steven nodded and stepped to the side. Rose took a deep breath and entered the home they’d planned to share. Part of her questioned her decision to speak to him there instead of somewhere less meaningful, but she didn’t want to risk having the whole town hear their business.
He led her to the couch and sat stiffly on one side. Her heart in her throat, she sat opposite him. They stared at each other as Rose tried to decide where to begin.
“Not that I’m not happy to see you,” Steven said, breaking the silence, “but why are you here?”
Speak from the heart. “Your sister said something the other day as I was leaving the rehab facility, and I wondered if it was true.”
Steven’s hands clenched into fists. “And what was that?”
She chewed her lip before responding. “That you offered the partnership to Michael.”
“Oh.” His shoulders visibly relaxed. “Yeah, I did.”
“Why didn’t you tell me?” she asked in a rush.
He shrugged. “I didn’t think you’d care.”
With one eyebrow raised, she leaned forward. “I practically begged you to take on a partner. Why on earth wouldn’t I care that you finally did so?”
Dropping his gaze, he fidgeted in his seat. “I guess I was worried you’d question my motives.”
Though it hurt to hear, she understood. “I suppose I deserve that.”
“No.” His eyes widened. “You were right. I wasn’t taking care of myself, and I’m sorry it took losing you to realize it.”
“Well, losing me and going back in the hospital,” she joked, though her voice shook.
“Yeah, that too.” He gave her a tentative smile. “But I’m better now. I’ve been making great progress in therapy, and I’m happy to report Michael has accepted my offer.”
It was as if a huge weight had lifted off Rose’s shoulders. “He did? When?”
“This afternoon. He’s coming back over tomorrow so we can finalize the details.”
“Oh, Steven, that’s wonderful news. I’m happy for you.”
“And I hear that the hospital offered you the head nurse position,” Steven said. “Congratulations.”
She ducked her head. “Oh, um, thanks. I haven’t actually accepted it yet.” She squared her shoulders and looked him in the eye. “But I intend to tell them when I go in for my next shift, and then I’ll start the position mid-September.”
“That’s good to hear. They’re lucky to have you.” The smile on his face faltered, and he cleared his throat. “Anyway, now that I’m home, I’m happy to help with any remaining wedding cancelations. I’m sorry you were on your own with that for so long.”